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六年级英语下册Unit 9 My Favorite Music练习题

[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9995

www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道搜集整理了六年级英语下册Unit 9 My Favorite Music练习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

六年级英语下册Unit 9 My Favorite Music练习题


1. Please ______ (tell) me about your favorite subject.

2. Where _____ Michael Owen _______(come) from?

3. Sometimes the boy _______(be) late for school.

4. Yesterday he ______(be) late for the meeting. He _______(say) sorry to his teacher.

5. He ______(want) ________ (look) for a job in town.

6. She can’t ______(find) work in this town.

7. Mary often ________(go) to school on Monday.

8. Would you like _______(be) a professional football player?

9. They _______ (pass) the ball from one to another.

10. Let us _____(give) them our best wishes. ______(go) for it , Steal Roses!

11. The woman often ______(take) a look at her cat to eat things.

12. What is she doing? She _____(wash) dishes.

13. Do you mind my _____ to Music? ---Never mind. (listen)

14. We were _________(surprise) to her the news.

15. What did the boys do yesterday? --- They ________(ride) their bike in the field.

16. The dog is_______. It _______(die) 10 minutes ago.

17. I am afraid of _____(swim), but Tom often _______(teach) me_____(swim).[

18. Hui Fang often _____ at school early but she _______(not arrive) yesterday. (arrive)

19. What _______ he _______(have) to do on weekends?

20. Here ________(be) the flowers for Mom.


work, close, look, have, teacher’s, pen, eat, China, play, climb

1. This is our ________ desk. Ours are over there.

2. Bill has three ________ . one is new and the other two are old.

3. His uncle ________ very young, but he is over forty.

4. Let’s ________ basketball after class .

5. Look! The cats are ________ up the trees.

6. The shop isn’t open. It’s ________ .

7. My brother ________ some new picture books.

8. In our classroom there is a large map of ________ .

9. Mum, please give me something ________ . I’m very hungry.

10. Does Mr. Green like ________ in this Chinese school?


一、1. tell 2. does come 3. is

4. was, said 5. wants , to look 6. find

7. goes 8. to be 9. pass

10. give, Go 11. takes 12. is washing

13. listening 14. surprised 15. rode

16. dying, died 17. swimming, teaches, to swim

18. arrives, arrived 19. does, have 20 are

二、1. teacher’s 2. pens 3. looks

4. play 5. climbing 6. closed

7. has 8. China 9. to eat

10. working




以上就是六年级英语下册Unit 9 My Favorite Music练习题全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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