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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语寒假作业   阅读:9552



1.The signs means “Keep quiet”.

2.You should come.

3.My mother would like to give me a candle.

4.I was here a moment ago.

5.They picked apples yesterday.

6.Liu Tao was here just now.

7.We planted and watered trees.

8.I did my homework at six yesterday.

9.The girl is singing in the classroom.

10.She is buying some food in the supermarket.

11.David watches TV every evening.

12.We go to school every morning.

13.He speaks English very well.

14.Simon and Daniel like going skating.

15.He does well in Maths .

16.Turn right at the third crossing.

17.I like autumn best.

18.Please turn off the light. 19.The children have school today.

20.I like collecting stamps and singing.

21.He did his homework in the classroom.

22.Tom jumps as far as Mike.

23.The boy can jump higher than the girl.

24.Liu Tao needs some pencils.

25.Nancy drew some pictures yesterday.

26.We will give a puppet show next week.

27.I jump higher than Liu Tao.

28.Liu Tao runs faster than me.

29.We are going to post the letter.

30.Jack swims faster than Sam.

31. The waiter and the waitress play table tennis every day.

32. The boy is standing on the man's shoulders.


1.There are a lot of signs here.

2.He would like to come.

3.He was here .

4.I visited a farm with Tom.

5.There are some fruit trees there.

6.I can speak English.

7.I am writing now.

8.I do my homework every day.

9.She likes milk.

10.Amy likes playing computer games.

11.She is always a good student.

12.Mike runs as fast as Ben.

13.The policeman caught the thief.

14.It always rains in summer there.

15.I know his telephone number.

16.I’d like to join them.

17.He often cleans his bedroom.

18.Mary can fly kites .

19.He has a brother.

20.We are going to give a puppet show next week.

21.I was at the camp just now.

22.I jump higher than Liu Tao.

23.Liu Tao runs faster than me.

24.We are going to post the letter.

25.The boy runs faster than the girl.

26.I often go to school at half past six .

27.He usually does his homework in the evening

28.Mary flies kites on Sundays.

29.They are going to watch a film next weekend .

30.He did his homework in the classroom.

31.Tom jumps as far as Mike.

32.We played basketball last Sunday.____________________________







标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语寒假作业
