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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语听力   阅读:9669


131 Where is your tie?

132 It's on the chair.

133 Where are your shoes?

134 They are under the bed.

135 Where are you from?

136 I'm form Beijing.

137 Where are the other boys?

138 They are over there.

139 I can see you.

140 You are behind the tree.

a: Pass me my tie and shoes, Edda!

Where is your ties?

It's on the chair.

Where are your shoes?

They are under the chair.

Here is your tie and shoes.

Thank you.

b: Ellen, this is Ling Ling, my chinese friend.

Hi! Ling ling, Where are you from?

I'm from Beijing.

I'm from New York.

Glad to meet you.

c: Bobbie, where is Mr White?

He is over there.

Where are the other boy?

They are over there too.

d: Let's play hide and seek.

Count after three Edda.

One two three.

I'm ready.

I can see, you are behind the tree.



五年级听力 Unit one

五年级听力 read and write

五年级听力 Listen and fill


标签: 暂无联系方式 小学英语听力
