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[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语听力   阅读:9799


Thirty one: I'm hungry.

Thirty two: Give me some bread.

Thirty three: Sit down.

Thirty four: Try on that new shirt.

Thirty five: Pass me the ball.

Thirty six: All right.

Thirty seven: I'm cold.

Thirty eight: Look!

Thirty nine: Show me your hat.

forty: My hat is old.

a: Mom! I'm hungry, give me some bread.

Here you are.

Thank you.

b: Sit down! Edda.

Try on that new shirt.

Oh! nice!

c: Robbie! pass me the ball.

All right.

I'm cold, Mom!

Pass me the coat.

All right.

d: Look! this is my new hat.

Oh! nice!

Show me your hat.

My hat is old.



五年级听力 Unit one  

五年级听力 read and write

五年级听力 Listen and fill


标签: 暂无联系方式 小学英语听力
