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六年级英语阅读:Yogi Bear

[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语阅读   阅读:9885

小朋友们千万不能忽视英语基础知识的积累,一定要多加练习。精品小编为大家整理了六年级英语阅读:Yogi Bear,欢迎大家阅读。

In Jellystone Park, the bears Yogi and Boo Boo live happily. But they have a big problemnow. Jellystone Park loses business (生意惨淡). Mayor (市长) Brown decides to (决定) close the park and sell the land.

People in the city will lose (失去) a beautiful park. Yogi and Boo Boo will lose their only home. The park keeper (守园人), Ranger Smith, will drive them out of (赶出) the park.

Yogi is smarter than the average (普通的) bear. He thinks of (想到) an idea. He and Boo Boo will work together with their “enemy (敌人)” Smith. They will find a way (方法) to save Jellystone Park together.

Will Smith help Yogi and Boo Boo? Can they save the park? Let’s see the movie Yogi Bear.

小编为大家整理的六年级英语阅读:Yogi Bear就到这里了,希望同学们认真阅读,祝大家学业有成。






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