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Can you come to my party同步练习

[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9222

 初一在整个初中阶段很重要,有扎实的基础,会使学习更加轻松。下面就为您推荐内容Can you come to my party同步练习。希望您学习成绩突飞猛进。

Can you come to my party同步练习


1. Betty is learning the piano. She goes to the piano l     on Sundays.

2. I read the c      just now(刚才). It’s October 28th today.

3. His parents like country music. They’re going to a c     this weekend.

4. The apples are very delicious. Would you like a     one?

5. —Kate, I got a birthday party invitation.

—Oh, from w     ?


1. I can’t go to play games with you. I     (need to, have to)finish my homework first.

2. —Do you know with     (who, whom)Mother is talking in the garden?

—Aunt Mary, I think.

3. He spends   (too many, too much)time playing football with his friends on weekends.

4. Miss Gao is our new English teacher and she is going to teach us   (lesson, class)One today.

5. This shirt is a little bit small. Can you show me    (other, another)?


1. A:             (my, birthday)

B: Sure, I’d love to.

2. A:             (Friday, morning)

B: I’m going to the doctor.

3. A:             (your, birthday, party)

B: It’s on Saturday.

4. A:             (birthday, Linda)

B: Thank you.

5. A:             (Lisa’s, house)

B: It’s on Green Street.


A: Hi, Anna! You look happy today. Do you have any good news?

B: Yes. I’m going to have a 1      tomorrow.

A: What party?

B: Oh, it’s my birthday party. 2      you know?

A: No, I don’t.

B: Sorry, I 3      to tell you. Would you like to come to my party?

A: Sure, 4      love to. But what’s tomorrow?

B: It’s Friday the 18th.

A: 18th? Oh, I’m very 5      . I have to go to the piano lesson. 6      for your invitation. I hope you have a good time tomorrow.

B: That’s too bad.


1. —Is Miss Li your      (化学)teacher?

—Yes, she is.

2. The boys have basketball      (训练)on Mondays.

3. On      (上学日)students go to school and their parents go to work.

4. Bill Gates is a famous      (美国的)computer scientist.

5. —What’s      (明天)?

—It’s Monday the 20th.


1. She didn’t accept(接受)the      (invite)to the tea party.

2. Little Carl is a football fan(迷)and he likes watching football     (match).

3. Father often takes me to the countryside for    (weekend).

4. Thank you for     (ask)me to your party. I’ll be there on time.

5. This afternoon I have to     (babysit)my little sister.


1. Jenny asked me to come to her birthday party last week.

Jenny                her birthday party last week.

2. They have to do tennis training from Monday to Friday.

They have to do tennis training          .

3. Please give me a call after the meeting.

Please           after the meeting.

4. Thank you for inviting me.

Thank you for          .

5. Mrs. Brown is free every day.

Mrs. Brown is          every day.


Hi Wang Ying,

Thank you for your invitation. I’m 1      (非常抱歉)but I can’t come. You see, I have a 2      (确实很忙的)week. This evening I’m 3      (去看电影)with some friends. And tomorrow I have to 4      (去看牙医). 5      (星期三下午), I’m practicing soccer with 6      (校队). And I have to study for my 7_________(化学测验)on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to my cousin’s 8      (生日聚会). Can you come to watch video games with us on Saturday?

Write soon.

Li Ming


一、1. lesson 2. calendar 3. concert 4. another 5. whom

二、1. have to 2. whom 3. too much 4. Lesson 5. another

三、1. Can you come to my birthday party?

2. What are you doing on Friday morning?

3. When is your birthday party?

4. Happy birthday, Linda!

5. Where is Lisa’s house?

四、1. party 2. Don’t 3. forgot 4. I’d 5. sorry 6. Thanks

五、1. chemistry 2. training 3. weekdays 4. American 5. tomorrow

六、1. invitation 2. matches 3. weekends 4. asking 5. babysit

七、1. invited me to 2. on weekdays 3. call me 4. your invitation 5. not busy

八、1. very sorry 2. really busy 3. going to the movies 4. go to the dentist

5. On Wednesday afternoon 6. the school team 7. chemistry test 8. birthday party


标签: party   初一英语试卷
