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I like music that I can dance to教案

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9584

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 I like music that I can dance to教案



*1.更喜欢,更喜爱prefer 2.轻柔的,柔和的lyric

3 能伴随跳舞的dance to 4. 随着……唱歌 sing along

*5.比……更喜欢prefer …to 6.宁愿……也不…… would rather …than

II. 重点词汇及句型用法讲解:

1.prefer v更喜欢 其常见用法如下:

(1)、prefer sth.,表示“更喜欢……”。例如:My grandma preferred country life.

( 2)、prefer doing/to do sth.表示“更喜欢干……”。


I prefer watching/ to watch a football match.。

(3)、prefer sb.to do sth. ,意为“宁愿某人做……”。


My mother prefers me to stay with her a little longer.

(4)、prefer sth..to sth. 意为“比起……更喜欢……”


I prefer English to math.

(5)、prefer doing sth. to doing sth.= prefer .to do sth. rather than do sth. 意为“喜欢做……而不喜欢做……”或“宁愿做……而不愿做……”

例如:I prefer staying at home to going shopping,(同义句)

I prefer _______ _______ at home rather than ______ __________.


1.I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢能随着跳舞的音乐。

2.I love singers who write their own music.我喜欢自己创作曲子的歌手。

3.I prefer music that has great lyrics.我们更喜欢歌词很棒的曲子。



1、I prefer to sing rather than _____(play)songs but my mother prefers playing songs

to _____(write)her own


1. What do you think of it ?(同义句)

________ do you ________?

2. We don’t like the boy who talks too much..(划线提问)

_______boy _________you like?

3. Rose likes music. She can dance to music.(改为复合句)

Rose likes music ______ ______ _______ _______.



I. 根据所给音标选择正确的单词。

( ) 1. I________[pri’fə]groups that play quiet and gentle songs.

A. prrefer B. prefer C. prifer D. preefre

( ) 2. I love singers who ______[rait]their own songs.

A.right B. write C.rite D. wrote

( ) 3. I cant’t _____[stand] the man who doesn’t study hard.

A.sdand B.stand C. sttand D. stande


1. Lily prefers this kind of music. . (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Lily _______ this kind of music?

2. He loved groups that play quiet and gentle songs. (划线提问)

_______ groups _______he love?

3. I like English better.(同义句)

I______ English.


1. Do you like music you can dance ______?

A. with B. at C. to D.in

2. She prefer _______ rather than stay at home.

A. to hang out B. hang out C. hangs out D. hanging out



1.不喜欢dislike 2.提醒,使记起remind of 3.心,内心 heart

4. 对……重要 be important to 例如:That’s not

II. 重点词汇及句型用法讲解:

1、The music reminds me of Brazilian music。

Remind vt.(常与of 连用)使想起,使记起



The photo _______ me ________ my teacher.

Remind vt.提醒 remind sb.to do sth“提醒某人做某事”.


Remind me to write to Mother。


1.I prefer singers who write their own lyrics.我更喜欢自己写词的歌手,

2.What does it remind you of?它使你想起了什么?

3.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。



1、That man _______me of my English teacher。They wear the same clothes。(remind)

2、The teachers remind us ________(listen)carefully in class.

3、He can’t stand ________(work) there.

4.Have you ever read the book ______(call )The old man and the sea?

5.She likes musicians who _______(play ) different kinds of music.

II. 根据所给音标选择正确的单词。

( )1.What does it ______[ri’maind]you of ?

A. rimind B. remind C. remaind D. rimaind

( )2. He ________[dis’laiks] this kind of music.

A.dislike B. deslikes C.dislikes D. deslike

( ) 3. I cant’t _____[stand] the man who doesn’t study hard.

A.sdand B.stand C. sttand D. stande


1.The girl is singing along ________ the pop music.

A. at B. in C. with D. for

2. Studying English well _____ important to us.

A. be B. is C. are D. would be

3. The photo remind me ______ my childhood.

A. with B. of C. at D. in

4.The man _______ gave us a talk on science yesterday is a famous scientist.

A. who B. whose C. which D. whom


语法专练:who that 引导的定语从句

1. Look at that girl ______ name is Lucy.

A. who B. whose C. which D. whom

2. My money is not the only thing ______ is missing.

A. which B. that C. who D. whose

3. I hate people ______ talk much but do little.

A. who B. that C. which D. whose

4.Do you know the girl_____is standing under the tree.(08年中考题)

---She is my sister.

A,who Bwhat C.whom D.which

5 I like places_______it is not cold in winter.(08年中考题)

A.those B.which C.where D.this

6Some of my classmates ______cartoons _____documentaries.

A.prefer,to B.would rather,than C.like ,better D.like,less


1. 这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。

The music _______ me __ Brazilian dance music.

2. 我更喜欢自己写词的歌手。

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标签: music  dance   初三英语教案
