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I like music that I can dance to教案

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9584

I prefer singers _______ ______ their own lyrics.

第三课时(P47 and P49 )


*1.下沉 sink –sank-sank 2.和某人的意,对某人合适 suit sb.

*3. 诚实的 真诚的honest 4.老实说,说实在的 to be honest 一个老实男孩 an honest boy

5.期待,预料 expect 6. 期待,期盼做…… expect to do

II. 重点词汇及句型用法讲解:

1.They make me feel sick.

Make作使役动词,意为“使、使得”, 一般用于“make + 宾语 + 宾补”这种结构,常用的句型 make + sb. / sth. + 省略to的动词不定式, 意为“使某人或某物做某事”。


Our English teacher often makes us retell the texts

当把这样的句子变为被动语态时,原句中省略的动词不定式符号to必须要还原。如把上面的句子变为被动语态,应为:We are often made to retell the texts (by our English teacher).


例如:The material feels nice.

The soup tastes delicious .

look, sound, smell, taste, 当这几个词用作连系动词的时候,它们的意思分别是“看起来”、“听起来”、“闻起来”、“尝起来” 如果跟名词,名词前加介词like


The elephant’s nose looks like a snake.

2.I am not sure what to expect because….

(1.) expect sb,/sth, 期望某人、某事。

例如:他在等一封电子邮件。He is expecting an e-mail.

(2.) expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事。

例如;父母期望孩子们好好学习。Parents expect their children to study hard.

(3.) expect + that 从句

例如; 我期望你能通过考试。I expect (that) you can pass the exam.


1They make me feel sick. 他们让我感到恶心。

2I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English course.




1.I hate hamburgers! The make me ________(feel) sick.

2.I expect you _______(come)to my home today.


1. 这种音乐很适合我。This kind of music ______me just fine.

2. 老实说,我周末喜欢呆在家里。

_______ ______ ______,I prefer _______ ________ at home on weekends.

3. 他说他期望我成功,这让我很感到很高兴。

He said he ______me ______ be successful , this made me ______ happy.


I. 看音标写单词

1. The ship ________[s æŋ k] for a long time.

2. He is an _________[ a: n i s t] person.

3. He is interested in all his __________[ k ɔ: s i z]



______ _______ ________,I ______ not to eat this vegetable.


I like music ____ I can _____ ______.

3. 这种音乐很适合我。

This kind of music ______me just fine.


_______ people say the TV play is boring, _________ say it’s great.

5. 我很幸运有机会进行为期2个月的英语学习。

I ________ ________ to be here for my ___________ English course.


1. We ________________(look ) for a quiet place to study.

2. M y dog’s death made me ________(feel) sad.

3. He expects us ________ (write) our own songs.


I. 重点单词和重点短语:

1.最近的 lastest *2. 照片 photograph-photo-photography-potographer

3.展览,陈列 on display / on show *4. 引起……的注意 使……感兴趣 interest

对……感兴趣be interested in /show/take an interest in

4. 无论什么 whatever=no matter what 6. 错过,遗漏 miss 7. 显示,暗示 suggest

8. 活力,力量 energy 9. 多年来 over the years 10. 务必干……一定干…… be sure to

II 重点词汇用法讲解:

1.as 的用法:


Please do it again as I told you.


She sang as she worked.

③ 表示原因,“因为,由于”比较口语化,语气也较弱,所表示的原因比较明显。

As I didn’t know the way, I asked the policeman.

④as…as… 和……一样

2 be sure of +n. / pron. /短语

be sure that 从句 }相信,对……有把握


.I am sure of your success.=I am sure that you can succeed.

be sure to do 务必……一定……

一定要好好学习。Be sure to study hard.

make sure 确保,核实,查收,弄清楚

请确保每个人都喜欢你的课。Make sure that everyone likes your class.

3. whatever=no matter what 无论什么

无论何时 whenever= no matter when 无论哪里 wherever=no matter where

无论谁 whoever= no matter who


1.It does have a few good features, though.然而,它的确也有一些好的方面。

2.Over the years, we have seen musical groups with pretty strange names come and go .

3.Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition.无论怎样,你都不能错过这次展出。



1. No matter what happens, I will help you .(同义句)

_______________ happens, I will help you .

2. He is very interested in my suggestions.(同义句)

He _______an_______ _________ in my suggestions.


1. 近些年,我们看到济南的巨大变化。

_______ ________ _______,we have seen the great changes of Jinnan.

2. 这里想陈列着很多东西。

There are plenty of things ________ _______ here.



1、—I don’t know what to wear tonight

—have you got any ________(suggest)?

2、Kevin is ______ in stamp collection. (interest)

3、What you said ______the young girl. (interest)

4、This is my sisters _____ movie.(late)

II 选择

1He suggested you _____for a walk in the park。

A. go B. to go C. going D. went

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标签: music  dance   初三英语教案
