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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9614





1.Which of these forms of t_____________(交通) do you like least ?

2. Last weekend we took a tour by c__________(长途客车 ) to the Summer Palace .

3. Jim pushed past them t___________( 朝、向) his seat .

4. The man was smoking a c___________(香烟) in the train .

5. Park School is a s____________ school (中学 ). .

6. I b_______ (打赌)we are even better than Park School at English .

7. Everyday our teacher checks which pupils are p________(在场) or a________(缺席的).

8. PE i___________(牵涉、包括)exercise, basketball and so on .

9. Afterschool a_____________(活动),such as sports clubs and language s__________(社团) are popular .

10.There is a parents’ meeting ,so our parents and teachers can talk about our p______(进步) 。

11.PE stands for Personal Health and S____________(安全) Education 。

12.F_______________(幸运的是), we don’t have exams in every subject .



1. Better get back to work ._________________ 2.What ‘s it like ?

3. be full of _____________ 4. because of _____________

5. take a tour ___________ 6. go for a long walk ______________

7. school leavers’ party _________________ 7. dream about __________________

8. set off ___________ 10. at the start of _________________

11. in a strong voice ____________________ 12. get off /on ___________________

13. be far away ________________________ 14. get top grades ________________

15. make a speech _____________________ 16. have a break _________________

17. stand for _________________________ 18. as well as ___________________

19. instead of ________________________ 20. have /take exams _____________

21. do athletics _____________________ 22. afterschool activities __________

23. at the end of ______________________ 24. plenty of ____________________



1. 因为春节的原因,冬季成了中国最繁忙的季节。

Winter is _____ _________season in China ________ _______ Spring Festival .

2. 最好回去上课了, 因为本学期结束我们还要考试呢。

Better ____ _____ ____work , because we’ve got exams ___ ____ ____ _____ the term .

3. 这学期有许多有趣的事要做。

There are _________ ________ fun things ____ _________this term .

4. 林经常梦见火车,梦见去首都,现在火车就在他面前,马上就要开车动身了。

Lin often ______ _________ the train and about going to the capital ,now it is _____ ______ _________him ,to ______ __________ soon .

5. 他拉着金的胳膊,眼中含着泪水,金把他推开了。

He _______ Jin _____ _______ arm, ________tears in his eyes, Jin ______ him away .

6. 我有火车票,号码正是你正坐着的那座位的号码。

I have a ticket _________ the number of the seat you are_________ _______.

7. “那离这还有7个小时的距离,戴眼镜的人说,”“即使是10分钟的路,你也得让开。”

“It is seven hours ______ ________ here,” the man ________glasses said ,“_______ _____ it is only 10 minutes , you should _________ .”

8. 慢慢地,这个年轻人站了起来,把烟扔在地板上,消失在火车那一头。

Slowly the young man ______ _______, __________ his cigarette on the floor , and ___________ ____________ the train .

9. 两个学校都很好,一所学校有的,另一所学校也有。

________schools are very nice, and___________ school has anything the other hasn’t got .

10. 九点钟上课,每节课上一个小时,11:00休息一会,然后再上一节课,然后一个小时吃中饭,在放学前我们还得再上两节课。

Lessons begin at 9:00 and ________ for an hour . we _____ __ _______at 11:00, then ____lesson , then lunch for an hour . We have ___ _____lessons before schools finishes .

11. PHSE是关于吸烟、吸毒的危险以及其他别的内容。

PHSE is about the________of drugs and smoking, ______ __________ __________.

12. 在ADT课程中,我们学习如烹饪之类的知识,还有画画和设计等。

In ADT we also do things like learning to cook ___ ________ _____ drawing and design .

13. 关于学校的记忆,什么是最坏的事情?作业—还有考试!

What is _____ _____________ thing about school ?Homework----and exams !


1.名词(名词的复数、名词所有格 )


a Chinese ---____________________ a Japanese ---___________________

a Frenchman --__________________ an Englishman ---________________

an Arab ________________________ a German ---____________________


zoo--______________ radio --________________ photo--_________________

Negro _____________ hero --________________ tomato--________________

potato _____________ kangaroo______________ piano --________________

3)复合名词前面是man, woman 变复数时,构成复合名词的两个词全部变成复数,如果是其他词,变复数时,只要把后面的名词变复数形式。如:

a man doctor ---___________________ a woman teacher _____________________

a boy student --___________________ a banana tree ---______________________


一条新闻_______________________ 两片面包________________________

几滴水 ________________________ 几箱苹果________________________

5) 名词所有格表示名词之间的所有关系。有两种表达方式。一种是“—‘s”所有格, 一种是of 所有格。如:

教师节________________________ 母亲节_________________________

李明的书包____________________ 杰克的父母_____________________


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
