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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9614





当表示一个人能、会做某事时, 常用can ,could ,有时可以和be able to do sth ”进行转换。如:

My 5—year-old daughter ______ draw a beautiful picture in 5 minutes .

=My 5—year –old daughter___ _______ _______ draw a beautiful picture in 5 minutes.



如表示某事可能要发生或不太可能发生,用“may, might, can ,could 等,表“可能”如:


He ________ be at home , he has gone abroad .

It _________ be Tom’s book , look , his name is on the cover .

He ________ stay in the office because the light is on now .


如果是允许某人做某事,或征求对方的许可,可以用“may, might, can ,could”,


Wen you are free , you ________ go fishing by the river .

----_____ I sit here ? ------Sure , sit down please 。


表示“命令、禁止、不得不”之类的含义时一般用must ,mustn’t ,have to 等,如:

You________ swim in this river , because it is too deep and dangerous .

You ________ be careful when you go across the street .

My brother is ill in bed ,so I ___________take care of him at home .


表示“没必要”不必做某事时,常用needn’t ,don’t have to ,或用“It isn’t necessary to do

sth ”或“there is no necessity to do sth “的句型。如:

You __________ worry about money , I can lend you in the time of need .


表示“应该、义务”常常用“should ,ought to , must 等。

I ____________ train more to improve my game .


表示想做某事可以用“would like /love to do sth ”,如:

I __________ be an actor

8) 表示“建议”和“邀请”


Would you like /love to do ------

Shall we ------

You’d better (not ) do -----

What do you think of ----- ?= How do you like -----?

What / how about -------

Why don’t you ------?

Why not ------? 如:

_______ borrow some books from your teacher ?

___________ rock climbing at the weekend ?

9. 表“请求对方干某事”

如果是请求对方干什么事情时, 可以用can you ----?”也可以用下列句型:

Will /Would / Could you -------?

Will /Would you please------?

Would you mind ------?

I wonder if you can ------ 如:

____________ turning off the radio ? it is too noisy .

____________ help me with my English ?


五、 知识点运用。


1. It was very ________(peace) and we fell asleep ________(listen) to the sound of water .

2. The first rule of camping is ________(keep ) a clean camp site .

3. I saw a baby bear ________(play) with some sticks and stones .

4. I remembered_________(close ) the door, but why is it still open now ?

5. Smoking is not ___________( allow ) inside the building .

6. ________(save ) water is to save ourselves .

7. There he is ,_________( lie ) on the ground .

8. We had better _______( get ) you to hospital .

9. In the future more and more people will celebrate their ___________(hundred ) birthday .

10. Be_______( care) , it is dangerous out there .

V. 从方框中选择适当的词或短语并用其正确形式完成句子。

Fall asleep , reach out ,look out of , turn round , watch out

1. ___________!the baby bear aand his huge mother are in front .

2. The soldiers were so tired that they _________ soon .

3. You mustn’t ______ the window in class .

4. It is very dangerous __________ to touch the tigers in the zoo .

5. The boy saw something strange as soon as he _____________.

Lead the way ,lead a happy life , fall off ,in order to , fit, absent

1. From then on , the prince and the princess ____________.

2. You must be more careful not to ______________ the ladder .

3. Our scientists are _________ in space research .

4. __________ catch up with others , the boy worked very hard.

5. No one is __________, every student is here .

6. He runs 3 kilometers every morning , that’s why he is so ________.

VI 从A---E中选择适当的内容与1---5的内容组成完整、通顺的句子。

( )1. We can live longer than

( ) 2. To keep healthy ,

( ) 3. We all know that we shouldn’t

( ) 4. After a good night’s rest

( ) 5. When farmers are working in the fields

A. run across the road when traffic lights are red.

B. you look better, feel better and work better too

C. they are exercising

D. the people who lived 100 years ago .

E. one should do some exercise every day .


1. -----Do you speak French or English in Canada?

-------_______, but I prefer French.

A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. None

2, ------Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary?

------Yes, here you are. You can _______it as long as you like.

A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. look

3. I sit in front of the classroom _______I can hear clearly.

A. so that B. when C. in order to D. so

4. ------How many students are there in your school?

------_______ the students in our school _______over two thousand.

A. The number of, is B. The number of, are

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
