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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9614

25. intend to do sth ______________ 26. stay friends ___________________

27. make a speech _______________ 28. as we all know ________________

29.have a lot of fun ______________ 30. stay in touch __________________

31. prepare oneself for ____________ 32. owe sth to sb _________________

33. pay sb back _________________ 34.be strict with sb _______________

35.be strict in sth _______________ 36. role models ___________________



1. 应该记住英语从其他语言中借用了很多词语,或者原词借用,或稍微改变。

It is important to remember that English has_________many words from other languages , __________ _________ the same word ________ very similar .


Many people think that if China continues to _______ ____ _________, Chinese will become____ ____________ _______ English by the middle of the 21st century .


More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese __________ a foreign language ,

________ __________ ________other European languages.

4. 至少在未来的20或30年中,英语将是应用最广泛的语言。

__ ________for the next 20or 30 years, English will be the language _______ _____ ____

5. 即使语法、词汇、拼写方面有所不同,我们都属于国际英语这个世界。

______ _________there are differences in grammar, vocabulary, and spelling , we all _______ ________ the international English speaking world .

6. 我认为自己取得了很大成绩,对于自己所学我也感到很自豪。

I think I’ve achieved ___ _______, and I _____ __________ _____what I have learnt. .

7. 一门语言再简单,要学习它也必须付出一定努力的。

__________a foreign language ___________a _________effort , __________ easy it is .

8. 我并不认为英语真的有多难学,尽管它并不像看上去那么简单。

I ______ ________it is really difficult to learn English ,_________ it is a language which looks__________ than it ___________ is .

9. 能够遇到一些想学英语的人是件好事,无论他们的英语有多好(或多坏)

It is good to meet other people_________want to learn English , _____ _________ __________good their English is .

10. 不管怎样, 我最高兴的是, 无论走到哪里都可以用英语。

________, what I like most is that you can use English _________you go in the world .

11. 朋友不用总见面,有时你最珍惜的朋友却是那些你不太常见的朋友。

Friends don’t have to see _____ __________ all the time , Sometimes the friends you treasure _________are the friends you see __________often .

12. 没有老朋友的生活,就像白天缺少了阳光。我们会永远保持联系。

A life ______old friends is like a day ______ sunshine , we’ll always _____ __ ______ .

13. 我们的优异成绩要归功于你们,在那些漫漫长夜给我们提的宝贵建议。

We _____ our good grades ______ the suggestions you have_____ ________ those long evenings .

14. 我们永远难以回报你们的友善、耐心、以及你们传授给我们的知识。

We can never _____ you ______ _____ your _____, your _______ , and gift of knowledge which you have _________ us ;


sometimes you have ____ _______ _______us; sometimes you have made us ________ hard , But you have always been _____ and you will always be our_____ __________ .

16. 我不能再用更好的话来表达自己的心声了, 所以从内心深处,我感谢你们所有的人, 也祝你们有一个成功的未来。

I couldn’t say it ________ myself . so _____ ___ _______ _____my heart , I thank you all and _______ you ___________ for the future .




A:连词的选择。(that, if ,whether,和疑问词如:what, how 等)如:

I hear _______ he has passed the exam .

I wonder ______he has passed the exam.

I want to know _______he has passed the exam or not .

----Can you tell me _____he bought the computer ?

----Last month .


I don’t know where we _________( go ) for the holiday next month.

I didn’t know where we ____________( go ) for the holiday next month .

He told me that the moon ________( go ) around the earth .


Can you tell me __________ ?

A. How can I get there B. where can we get the car repaired.

C. what did he say D. when he should go to the party .


A从句引导词的选择,(that,which , who , whom , when ,where,whose, why。)如:

Everyone _______ goes to Britain says the countryside is beautiful .

Do you see the children ________ are playing basketball .

He has two brothers , ________ are both doctors .

I never the day ______ I got to the school

He still remembered the place ________he was born .

I like the house _______ garden is so big and nice .

That is the reason _______he was late for class .

B 定语从句中主谓一致原则。当定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词在人称和数上应与先行词保持一致。如:

They lived in houses which _________(was /were ) often old , cold or unsafe .

They lived in a house which ________(was/were ) cold and unsafe .

C 定语从句分限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,在非限制性定语从句中不能用引导词that . 如:

Last week I climbed the Great Wall , _______ is famous all over the world .

3)状语从句 . 主要注意两点

A;根据句子的意思选用恰当的连词(if, because, though----等)。如:

________ there is a will , there is a way .

I have brought some photos ______ you can see what Britain looks like .

_______ the food wasn’t good , it is getting better .

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
