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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9614

4. Who p______________(阻止) them from killing animals .

5. As a doctor ,his main job is to cure d______________(疾病)

6. They still didn’t make an agreement after a long d______________(辩论).

7. Several c___________(夫妻)were invited to take part in the party .

8. I felt r___________(轻松的)after listening to some light music .

9. S_____________(想象、假设)it rains,---What should we do ?

10.The rain had started f____________(下、落) again . www.xkb1.com

11.Most people dress in a way that shows off their p____________(个性).

12.When you go shopping for clothes, do you choose something f_____________(时尚的)

13. It is the train not the t___________(运动鞋)that improve your speed and your score.

14. It is really cold outside , I need an o____________(外套 ) .

15. Many young people wear strange clothes because they think they look c________( 酷的)



1. Nearly finished 。_________________,2. That’s not the point .________________

3.in the past ________________________ 4. know about sth _____________________

5. be better at _______________________ 6. prevent illness _____________________

7. public transport ___________________ 8. do one’s best________________________

9. talk of sth _______________________ 10. all one’s life ________________________

11. in those day _____________________12. a full-time job _______________________

13. ready-made food _________________14. fall off _____________________________

15. pick up _________________________16. get married _________________________

17. look forward to __________________18. take a look at ________________________

19. have on ________________________20 . put on _____________________________

21. look different ___________________ 22.look the same -----as_________________

23. go for this year’s colours __________24. catch one’s attention ___________________

25. personal look ___________________26. designer clothes _______________________

27. all over the world _______________ 28. prefer ---to ___________________________

29. care about _____________________ 30. have the logo ________________________

31. make much money ______________ 32. above all _____________________________

33. because of _____________________ 34. show off______________________________

35.think about _____________________36. think of ____________________________


III:根据中文提示完成句子。新 课 标第 一 网


The most important __________is that people are _________ today and they live _______ than they ______ _____ _____ ________.


The _____________ is that we_______ ________ __________medicine today, and we are _______ __________ __________illness .

3. 人们现在吃得不像从前一样好,而且做运动不像以前一样多。

People don’t eat _____ _____ ______in the past and they don’t take ____ _______exercise _______they _________

4. 更快的交通就造成了更多的污染,这使生活变得更危险更不健康。

Faster transport also ________ _______ _______ and they makes life ____dangerous

and ____________healthy .


_________ _________ free time , don’t forget I am going on the school trip next month .

6. 今天已婚妇女外出工作很正常,但过去就不太普遍

It’s ______for married women to go out to work , but it was ______ _______ in the past .


Have you decided ________ __________ __________ the school leavers’ party ?


It is the ______ _______, but it is a bit _________, Let’s see if they have one ____ ______.


.Do you like to______ ________or do you wear ___ ______clothes _______ your friends ?


Is it the logo ---the company symbol_______ ______ _________ ___________ ?


Everyone ___________money on clothes and everyone has their _______ __________.


Many people______ _______ ________ _________ they look,


_______ _________,designer clothes are more popular _______ _____clever advertising .


Most people dress_____ ____ ________ that ______ _________their personality .



1。形容词和副词原级的比较,一般用“as+原级+as “句型 ”否定句可以用“not so/as----as ”句型。如:

Jack is as__________( tall ) as Tom .

English is not___________ Chinese.

A. as difficult as B. so easy as

C. more useful as D. as harder as

2. 表示“A不如B”常常用“less +原级+than “句型。如:


He think English is __________ _____________ than Chinese .

=He think Chinese is __________ _____________ than English .

=He don’t think English is as ____________ as Chinese .

3。以—ly结尾的词多为副词,但如果是“名词+ly ”则构成形容词,要注意区别,如:翻译下列词语:

friendly _____________ lonely ____________ lovely ___________

lively _______________ likely_____________ daily ____________

brotherly _____________ motherly _______________

4. ---ing形容词和----ed形容词的区别:---ing形容词表示________(主动 、被动),常常用来描写事物;----ed形容词表示________(主动 、被动),常常用来描写人,如:interesting -----interested

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
