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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9614

10. It was raining so ________( hard , hardly ) that we couldn’t go out .

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Jones did ________( bad ) in the English test , and I did even ________( bad ) .

2. When we speak to other people , we should be as _______ as possible . ( polite )

3. I like ______ ( old ) one of the two coats , It is made of cotton .

4. The red scarf is _________ ( pretty ) of all , You can give it to your mother as a gift .

5. When summer comes, it gets ________ and ________( hot )

6. The more he read the novel , __________ (interest ) he became in it .

7. There will be ________ and ______ (little ) pollution if we help to save our earth .

8. The West Lake is one of _________( beautiful ) lakes in China .

9. Does Tom play tennis as ________( well ) as his friends .

10. My ______ (old ) brother is five ________( old ) than I .

III 单项选择

1. ----- Catherine is ______ girl to speak in public .

------ You should encourage her to try her best .

A. much too a shy B. too much shy a C. such shy a D. much too a shy

2. ----- Congratulations ! You did ______ in the exam .

------ Thank you , But you did much _________.

A. good , better B. well ; better C. bad ; more badly D better ;well

3. This dress is _______ that one , but I think it is ______ than that one .

A. as expensive as ; most beautiful B. as more expensive as , less beautiful

C. as expensive as ; less beautiful D. better , well

4. I am afraid this pair of pants is _____ tight ; besides , the price is _________.

A. too ; high B. very ; expensive C. so ; low D. rather ; cheap

5. ----I think the story is not so _______ as that one .

---- I disagree , The second one is ________, I think .

A. interesting , more interesting B. more interesting , interesting

C. interesting , most interesting D. most interesting ; interested

6. -----I am too old to learn how to use the computer . That’s a pity .

-----Oh, No , anyone can _______ be too old to learn .

A . always B, yet C. sometimes D, never

7. ________ you come back , ______ it will be .

A. The quicker , the best B. The sooner , the better

C. Faster , better D. The sooner , better

8. I like ______ one of the three books ,it has the newest opinion .

A. later B. latest C. the latest D. the later

9. ----Richard’s parents look very young at their age .

----- In fact , his father is ______ than his father .

A. older six years B. as six years older

C. six years older D. bigger six years

10. Do you have ______ to give us ?

A. something new , B. new something

C. anything new D. new anything .

11. Don’t worry . He is _____ to look after little Betty .

A. carefully enough B, enough careful

C. enough carefully D. careful enough

12. These oranges taste _______ , please try some .

A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well

13. I think dumplings are _______ , Let’s have dumplings for dinner .

A. delicious B. more delicious C. the most delicious D. most delicious

14. The horse is getting old and can ‘t run _________ it did .

A. as faster as B. so fast than C. so fast as D. fast as

15. If we follow this plan , we will do this job better with _____ money and _____ people .

A. less ; less B. fewer ; fewer C. less ; fewer D. fewer ; less


1. Gina was born _______ 2003 . she is old enough to go to school .

A. to B. on C. at D. in

2. Mr. Wang has gone to Shanghai on business . He will be back ____ four days .

A. after B. from C. for D. in

3. ----- What time do you usually get up . Rick ?

-----I usually get up _______ five o’clock .

A. in B. at C. on D. for

4. ----Do you go to school every day ?

---- No, we go to school only ________Monday to Friday .

A. from B. on C. between D. in

5. ------What would you do _______ the lost library book ?

------I would try to find it or pay ______it .

A. on ; for B. for; to C. with ; to D. with ; for

6. Would you please send _______ a doctor ? My grandpa is ill

A. for B. away C. off D. with

7. ______ the help of Project Hope , many poor children can go to school again .

A. Under B., Because C. Without D. With

8. -----Why did you all go swimming _____Tom ?

-----Because he was ill in bed .

A. with B, but C. besides D. except

9. ________ your help , I can’t get the information about Hawaii easily .

A. With B. without C. Under D. Below

10.---What do you call this in English ?

----It is a stamp . It is used ______ sending letters .

A. for B. to C. with D. by

11. Nobody can stop me _______ working hard at English .

A. for B. on C. from D. in

12. -----What do you often do ______ classes to relax yourself ?

------Listen to music .

A. over B. among C. between D. through

13. We looked at each other _______surprise when we heard a bird singing “happy birthday to you “.

A. in B. to C. by D. at

14. -----How do you learn English so well ?

----_________ chatting with my uncle in America online .

A. For B. By C. In D. With

15. Do you know the young lady ______ your mother is talking ?

A. Who B. whom C. with whom D. which

16. All of us are proud _____the great change of our country .

A. with B. of C. about D, for

17. ----Your coat looks nice , what is it _____?

---- Cotton .

A. made from B. made of C. made in D, made into

九年级下册 Moudle 5--6



1. Before we can enjoy ourselves , here are some rules and s_____________(建议)

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
