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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9614

When we heard the _________ news , we were all __________.

A, excited / exciting B. exciting /excited

C. exciting /exciting D. excited /excited

5. 有些形容词只能作表语, 不能放在名词前面作定语,如

The ________ man is his uncle . ( A.ill B. sick C. asleep D. awake )

6. 形容词作定语修饰名词,一般放于名词之前,但如果修饰不定代词,则要放于不定代词_____________。

Be quiet please, I have _________to tell you .

A, important something B. anything new

C, something important D. new nothing


介词的用法比较丰富,应该在平时的运用中加以揣摩归纳,要注意一些常用介词的用法,如:with, for 等,还要注意一些介词的差异,如


1)in /on /at 的区别,如:

I arrived in Hefei _______ a very cold night

I usually get up ________ 6:00

There is a lot of rain _______ spring

They usually go out shopping ______ Sunday .

2)since /for 的区别

He has had this house _______ 1970

He has lived in Hefei ________ 10 years

3)in / after 表示“------之后“的区别

My father has gone to Beijing ,he will come back _______ a week .

_______ a week , he came back from Beijing .


2. 表示地点的方位介词

1)in /on /to

Japan lies ______ the east of China

Korea lies _______ the east of China

Taiwan lies _______the east of China

2) over/on /above

There is a bridge ________ the river

Raise your arms _________ your head

There is a book _______ the desk

3) in front of /in the front of

There is a tall building _______ our house .

4) at /in /on

When did you arrive _______ Shanghai ?

He will arrive ______ the airport at six o’clock .


1) between /among

There is a school ______ many buildings

You should eat ________ meals

2) across /through/ over / past

Can you go _______ the forest by yourself ?

I can’t swim ______ the river .

The plane flew _____ a line of mountains in the southeast .

They walked _______ the library .

3) but / except / besides

There is nothing _______ a chair in the room

All the students went to the zoo ___ Jim, he was ill in bed .

I have a few friends _______ you .

4) with /without

_______ your help , I can’t finish the work .

_______ your help , I finally finished this hard work .

五、 知识点运用。


1, Is life today _______(well) or ________(bad) than it was 50 years ago ?

2.It’s normal for __________( marry ) women to go out to work ,

3.Everyone has their __________( person )look .

4.People walk and use the bike ________( little ) because of faster public transport .

5. People don’t have to work as ________(hard ) as they did in the past

6. You will be more _________(relax) and ________(little) nervous after having a rest .

7. Families _________________(change)a lot since I was young .

8. The food was always __________(fresh ) cooked

9. Playing sports is one of the ___________________(popular ) leisure activities .

10.What helps you ____________( choose ) the clothes you like ?

11. All of the international companies spends ______________( million ) of dollars every year to make us ________( buy ) their clothes , and they _____________( success).


1. The ________ of this kind of machine is that it can save power, we needn’t change the battery every day

A. disadvantage B, advantage C. necessary D. importance

2. -------________ you ask him to go with us ?

----Good idea .

A. Let’s B. Why not C. Why don’t D. What about

3. -----What is the reason ?

----I _______ that’s because the weather now is much hotter than it was .

A. suppose B. wonder C. make D. lead

4. ----Are the twins well-behaved at school ?

----Yes, they are . and they are good ______ making friends.

A. with B. in C. at D. for

5. “Whose is this book?” “I’m not sure. It _______ be his.”

A. can B. may C. should D. must

6. If you give me _______, I’ll finish the work.

A. more a few time B. a few more time

C. more a little time D. a little more time

7. She said no letters _______since last Wednesday.

A. have received B. had received C. have been received D. had been received

8. Tom couldn’t open the door, because he ________ the key.

A. lost B. has lost C. will lose D. had lost

9. Please stop _______ and _______ to me.

A. talking, listen B. to talk , listening C. talking, listening D. to talk , listen

10. He’s traveled to France, ________.

A. so is his sister B. so has his sister

C. so his sister is D. so his sister has



1. I don’t feel _______( good , well ) enough to go to school today .I am terribly ill .

2. She said that she saw an alien come out of the flying saucer(飞碟),wasn’t it _________?

( amazing , amazed )

3. During the weekdays ,people wears suits ,But on weekends ,people usually dress more _____________ ( casual , casually )

4. It is __________( quiet , quite ) a touristy place during the summer vacation .

5. It is necessary for the blind to get a ________( special ; specially ) trained dog .

6. People are pretty ________( relaxed , relaxing ) about time in Colombia .

7. The weather will ______( probable ; probably ) be quite windy and cold .

8. The job is far _________( difficult ; more difficult ) than he thought .

9. Let’s go to Town Cinema, It has the most ________ ( comfort , comfortable ) seats .

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
