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When is your birthday 单元测试题

[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9820

 初一在整个初中阶段很重要,有扎实的基础,会使学习更加轻松。下面就为您推荐内容When is your birthday 单元测试题。希望您学习成绩突飞猛进。

When is your birthday 单元测试题


1. January is the first m_______ of a year.

2. My friend’s b______ is in October.

3. Teachers’ Day is on S_______ 10th.

4. We have an Art F______ each year.

5. I like go to the c_______.

6. _______ (二月) is the second month of a year.

7. When is your _______(聚会) ?

8. _______(妇女) Day is on March 8th.

9. The fourth month of a year is_______(四月).

10. They have a speech _______(比赛).


(  ) 1. My school trip is _______ May.

A. In B. on C. at

(  )2. —When is his birthday?

—It’s _______

A. February B. February second C. 2008

(  )3. His _______T—shirt is white.

A. brother B. brothers C. brother’s

(  )4. —____ is your mother ?

— She is fifty.

A. How old B. How age C. How

(  )5. The baby is _______.

A. ten month old B. ten months old C. ten month’s old

(  )6. _______ is between December and October.

A. November B. August C. September

(  )7. He is_____ student to school.

A. on B. the first C. two

(  )8. My aunt meets me_____ 9 o’clock

A. at B. in C. on

(  )9. The shop ______a lot of present

A. sell B. sells C. sell’s

(  )10.The ID card is ____backpack

A. in B. at C. for

III. 完型填空(10)

I’m Mary. I’m a student in a junior school. I am 15. My 1 is April 5th.I like my school. I 2 basketball and football, too. I 3 a Music Festival and 4 Art Festival on the weekend. Jeff 5 my brother. He is 14 6 . 7 birthday is June 8 . He 9 ping—pong and computer games very much. We 10 happy.

( )1. A. birth B. birthday C. telephone number

( )2. A. like B. have C. want

( )3. A. have B. need C. go

( )4. A. the B. a C. an

( )5. A. are B. am C. is

( )6. A. old B. years C. years old

( )7. A. His B. He C. Jeff

( )8. A. nine B. ninth C. ninth

( )9. A. likes B. like C. has

( )10.A.am B. is C. are

IV. 阅读。(20)


I have many good friends. One is John. He runs very fast. He always says to us “I can run very, very fast.”One day a man goes his house, takes some good things, and runs away. John runs after him and cries out,“Stop, do you know I can run faster than you?”But the man runs faster. John is angry. He runs very fast to me. I ask him,“Why you run so fast?” He says,“I want to catch the man.”“But where is he?” “He is behind me, he thinks he is faster than me, but you see I’m faster.”

( )1. John is_______

A. a boy B. a runner C. one of my friends

( )2.John likes to tell people______.

A. he can walk fast B. he can run fast C. he can catch the ma

( )3.John is happy because he ______

A. catches the man B. run faster than the man C. walks very fast

( )4.When his friend sees him, John runs_______ .

A. behind the man B. before the man C. alone

( )5. Which is right?

A. The man is right B. John is wrong C. John’s friend is wrong


It’s My Birthday

Anna White hopes you can come to her party

Time:4:30 Date: Sunday, February 16th

Place: Flat 13A, Dong Qian Road

Telephone: 890126

1. When is Anna’s party?


2. At what time is it going to star?


3. Where is she going to have her party?


4. What’s her telephone number?


5. What’s her address?


V. 连词成句。(10分)

1. mother’s, is, your, when, birthday


2. May’s, old, how, is, sister


3. You, a, music, do, have, Festival


4. My, fifteenth, today, birthday


5. Sports, collection, like, I


VI. 句型转换 (15分)

1. I was born in 2008. (对划线部分提问)

you born?

2. We have an English contest. (一般疑问句)

______ have an English contest?

3. He likes doing sports on weekends.(改为否定句)

He _______ ports on weekends.

4. What’s Han Mei’s age? (改为同义句)

_______ Han Mei?

5. Tina likes soccer ball. (对划线部分提问)

Tina _______?

6. The math exam is on May 4th.(对划线部分提问 )

______ _______ on May 4th?


1. 一年中有几个月?

______ ______ _______ are there in a year?

2. 我们每年五月份办一次艺术节?

We have ______ Art______ ______ May every year.

3. 请读一读第二课。

Please read ______ _______ ______.

4. 我的生日聚会在八月五号。

My birthday _____ is _______ _______ .

5. 这个孩子一岁了。

The boy is ______ _______ _____.

IX.书面表达 (10分)

利用下面的词,写一篇自我介绍, 不少于50词。 如: Mike, American, basketball, June 11th,No.1School, Middle School, 836—77989等。


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
