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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9424

A. is lost     B. is broken    C. has found

(    ) 20. Don’t worry. There is ______ time to go.

A. some     B. few     C. little

(    ) 21. He said ______ his English teacher last year.

A. thanks to    B. thanks for      C. thank

(    )22. My mother usually gets used to ______ late.

A. go to bed    B. go ing to bed   C. getting to the bed

(    ) 23. The smile on her face shows that she is ______ her work.

A. worried about    B. pleased with    C. sorry for

(    ) 24. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them _____.

A. laughed    B. laugh     C. laughing

(    ) 25. We must ______ our classmates at school.

A. got along with   B. get along with    C. get along

(    ) 26. The old man feels ______ and ______.

A. alone; disappointed  B. lonely; disappointed    C. lonely; disappointing

(    ) 27. I hope everything ______ well.

A. goes     B. go      C. gone

(    ) 28. The teacher explained it ______ the students carefully.

A. to     B. with     C. at

(    ) 29. Listening to music is a good way to help us be more ______ .

A. relaxed    B. relax    C. relaxing

(    ) 30. Think it over before ______ important decisions.

A. to make    B. make    C. making



Last year an __1__ man came to visit us. He is Russian Preseident Vladimir Putin. Putin was born in st. Petersburg, Russia’s second  2  city, in 1952. He came to office in 2000. Four years later, he was a gain the _ _3  .

Putin does a good job  _4 __ Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable(有能力的). But young Putin wasn ’t a top student at all. His student’s books and diaries from 40 years ago show this. At a time when the top mark  5  five, Putin got three for math and science. His art was even  6  , only two. He sometimes, forgot __7   his math homework. Once he forgot to wear school uniform. His teacher had to ask him to get out of the classroom. But Putin did very well in the moral class(品德课). He always got full marks. He also  8  a strong love of Russia at an early age.


Mother: Kate! It’s late. Why are you still in bed? You must get up and get ready for  1  . If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.

Kate:  I don’t  2   very well.

Mother: Oh dear! What’s wrong?

Kate:  I don’t __3  . My head hurts.

Mother: Really? If you are __4  , you’ll have to_ 5  the doctor.

Kate: Can I have some breakfast first?

Mother: No, you _6_ eat anything until you see the doctor.

Kate: Mom, I feel a little __7  now.



The following is what Elsa from the Swedish Rock Band writes about her father.

My father was born in Stockholm in 1948. He  1  there for eighteen years. He was good at languages,  2  he wasn’t good at science. He liked sports, and his  3  sport was football. In 1958, when he was  4  years old, the Football World Cup was in Sweden. He went to see many of them. When he was 15 years old, he started to play for Liverpod—a famous English team. He met my mother in Liverpod, and they got  5  in 1967.

( )1.A.went    B.lived   C.got

( )2.A.so     B.and   C.but

( )3.A.favorite    B.good   C.hard

( )4.A.15     B.12    C.10

( )5.A.married    B.paid   C.hurt


Everyone likes to live in a clean and comfortable environment. If the enviroment is  6  , it will make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we don’t want to  7  , we have to stay in bed and rest at  8  . So the environment is very important to us. It is germs(细菌)that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere. They are very small and we can’t  9  them with our own eyes. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act  10  .

( )6.A.bad      B.good       C.nice

( )7.A.sleep     B.drink   C.work

( )8.A.school     B.home   C.hotels

( )9.A.feel      B.find       C.get

( )10.A.together     B.slowly   C.quietly



My sister is an air hostess(空中小姐).

Yesterday morning my sister was at the back of the plane. She was going to take food and drinks to the passengers. A little old woman came up to her and said, “Could you please tell me where the Ladies’ Room is?”

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