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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:9424




1.Mr.Fat is a r         man. He can buy everything he wants.

2.Jim Green is a foreigner. But he can travel to China easily because he has a p       .

3.Yaoming is an e       basketball player. He plays basketball very well in NBA.

4.The beautiful glass is b      , so Mrs.Green has to buy another one.

5.Maria’s Father is a good worker. He can c        the machine(机器) easily.

6. The teacher came in with a big s_____. She was so happy.

7  Stupid is another way of saying s_____.

8. The medicine tasted b_____ and the boy spat it out(吐出)。

9. Follow the doctor’s a______ and you will get well soon.

10. Think it over before making important d_____, especially when you are in a bad mood.


1.You can               (打电话给)me if you get to Fuzhou. I will meet you.

2.                (起初),we didn’t like swimming at all.

3.Mrs.Lee is            (对……严格要求)us. Sh e often makes us do lots of homework.

4.I am not a child any more. I can                 (处理) my own business(事情).

5.Don’t               (放弃),you’ll succeed soon.

6. My father ______ ______ ______ (对……感到满意) my good results at school.

7. We will ______ ______(轮流) to clean our classroom.

8. You can ______ ______(打电话给) me if you get to Fuzhou. I will meet you.

9. Our math teacher is very patient and explains things to us _____ _____ _____ _____. (一次又一次)。

10. ______ ______ ______ (别急)! We will help you.


( )1.The boring film on TV make me        to sleep.

A.wants    B.to want    C.want

( )2.Michael often spends his weekends        his grandparents.

A.with    B.in     C.on

( )3.“It’s a piece of good news.” “Yes.         good news it is!”

A.What    B.What a    C.How

( )4.Love Me Once More, Mom is so        that I cry again and again.

A.moved    B.moving    C.moves

( )5.The man is so sad because        the poor business.

A.for    B.of     C.at

( )6.A: Why is the woman worried?      B:         she lost her little son.

A.So    B.Since    C.Because

( )7.Mr.Lee will be happy because he will have tickets        Titanic.

A.to     B.in     C.on

( )8.Jane looks so        because she has a wonderful pet dog.

A.exciting   B.excite    C.excited

( )9.A: What     Helen       ?  B: She is helpful. She always helps others in need.

A.is; like    B.does; look like  C.looks; like

( )10.Study hard, or your mother will worry about falling        others.

A.before    B.behind    C.into

( )11.There is        in Today’s newspaper. It’s dull.

A.nothing new   B.new nothing   C.everything new

( )12.It is important for us         English well.

A.studying   B.study    C.to study

( )13.A: Tony won 200 metres race in our school sports meeting    B:        .

A.Do well  B.Well done  C.Does well

( )14.Mr. Lee wants me to give        in front of the class every day.

A.speak   B.speech   C.a speech

( )15.We can’t make         before we think it over carefully.

A.decide   B.decision  C.a decision

(    ) 16. The dish _____ nice.

A. sounds     B. smells     C. feels

(    ) 17. I felt tired ______ I worked late last night.

A. because     B. when     C. if

(    ) 18. He is not as ______ as his younger brother.

A. strong     B. stronger    C. strongest

(    ) 19. — My watch ______.   — Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Lost and Found.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语试卷
