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英语同步练习a famous story

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9348

英语同步练习a famous story


1.F________me and I will take you there.

2.My socks were worn out.There is a h________in it.

3.Autumn is coming,and the g________is full of leaves.

4.Allen________(下落;跌落)into the river but luckily she got out of it quickly.

5.In the past,my brother often kept________(兔子)at home.


1.They saw the missing boy______near the river at that time.

A.playing     B.play    C.played     D.to play

2.—______you reading a history book?

—No,I was______.

A.Were;sleeping       B.Were;slept

C.Are;sleeping       D.Are;slept

3.When Jimmy entered the room,everyone______him.

A.were smiling to       B.was smiling at

C.were smiling at       D.was smiling to

4.—Do you know a girl______Liu Jing?

—Of course,she is my classmate.

A.call    B.called    C.calls      D.calling

5.My father______my bike at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.

A.mends          B.mended

C.is mending        D.was mending



My brother________ ________his homework when I got home.


The naughty boy________ ________his parents,when they were taking photos.


Mr.Wang________ ________that ancient small village in the evening.


Many birds sing songs happily________ ________ ________in the park.


Mrs.White________ ________a tea party at this time last Saturday.


1.Kate lies on the bed.(用at 8:00 pm yesterday改为过去进行时态)

Kate________ ________on the bed at 8:00 pm yesterday.

2.They were playing football then.(改为否定句)

They_______ ________football then.

3.The book fell off the shelf.(用fall down改成同义句)


4.Maomao was playing games at that time.(对画线部分提问)

________was Maomao________at that time?

5.I was writing a letter at 10 o’clock yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

_________you_________a letter at 10 o’clock yesterday?


A long time ago,the monkey and the turtle were good friends.One day,they saw a fallen banana tree and decided to plant it.They divided the tree into two parts.The monkey took the part with leaves,thinking that it would grow faster,then they went home and planted it.Many days passed,the monkey􀆳s plant died but the turtle’s grew well and produced fruit.When the fruit was ripe(成熟的)the turtle asked the monkey to share it with him.The monkey climbed up the tree and ate all the fruit.So the turtle got angry.He found some sharp sticks and put them around the tree.When the monkey came down,he hurt himself.The turtle laughed and hid himself under a big shell(贝壳).The monkey got very angry and caught the turtle.

“I’ll cut you into pieces,”said the monkey.

“Good,so there will be many turtles.”

“No,I’ll put you into the fire.”

“That’s better,my skin will be red.”

“No,I’ll throw you into the river.”

“No,”said the turtle,“I’ll die.”

The monkey threw the turtle into the river,and the turtle swam happily.

1.The monkey and the turtle saw______.

A.an apple tree       B.some bananas

C.a fallen banana tree      D.some leaves

2.The turtle’s plant______.

A.grew well        B.produced fruit

C.died          D.Both A and B

3.When the fruit was ripe,______.

A.the monkey shared it with the turtle

B.the turtle picked the bananas himself

C.the monkey ate all the bananas

D.the monkey picked bananas for the turtle

4.The turtle got angry and he______.

A.climbed up the tree

B.hid himself in a big shell

C.found some sharp sticks

D.hit the monkey

5.Which of the following words would you use to describe the monkey?

A.Selfish.   B.Lovely.    C.Honest.    D.Clever.


Ⅰ.答案:1.Follow 2.hole 3.ground 4.fell  5.rabbits


Ⅲ.答案:1.was doing 2.ran past 3.arrived at

4.in the tree 5.was having

Ⅳ.答案:1.was lying 2.weren’t playing

3.The book fell down from the shelf. 4.What;doing


Ⅴ. 答案:1~5.CDCCA



英语同步练习How to learn English 


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