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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9861

Things always get  32  without the right ideas.Too much homework makes students  33  interests in learning.A horse runs faster after a  34 ,but for students only rest is not enough.We should  35 this situation.We should give students more time to relax.

26.A.buy          B.get           C.spend         D.take

27.A.modern       B.mad          C.sad           D.strange

28.A.sports         B.hobbies       C.books        D.friends

29.A.like           B.have         C.tell           D.hate

30.A.in             B.as           C.until          D.at

31.A.comfortable     B. happy      C.angry         D.relaxed

32.A.worse         B.easy        C.better         D.wonderful

33.A.have          B.get         C.forget         D.lose

34.A.meal          B.moment         C.minute        D.rest

35.A.tell           B.change      C.keep       D.hear

Ⅵ.阅读理解 (30分)


Education plays  an important part in modern life.However,in some poor areas,many children can't afford the expenses of schooling (付学费) and are forced (被迫) to leave school.At the same time,our country is not able  to invest (投资) too much in it.Under this condition,the Project Hope is necessary to our country.Firstly,it will create conditions (创造条件) for the children to go back to school.Secondly,it can make more people educated.So it can lead to the improvement of people's standards (标准) of life.

In my opinion,the Project Hope is of great importance to our country.I hope that with its help more and more children can get the opportunity (机会) to be educated.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (T) 误 (F)。

36.Education doesn't play an important part in modern life.(  )

37.In some poor areas,a few children can't afford the expenses of schooling.(  )

38.Our country is not able to invest (投资) too much in education.(  )

39.Our country will create conditions (创造条件) for the children to go back to school by itself (靠自己).(  )

40.More and more children will go to school with the help of the Project Hope.(  )


Oxfam has 12 branch bureaus (分支结构) in different countries in the world.The table is about some of them.

Oxfam America

Office address: 26 West Stress,Boston,MA 021111206,USA

Tel:1 617 482 1211

Fax:1 617 728 2594


Website: http: //www.oxfamamerica.org

Oxfam Canad

Office address: Suite 300 ­ 294 Albert Street,Ottawa,Ontario Kl P 6E6,Canada

Tel:1 613 237 5236

Fax:1 613 237 0524

E­mail: enquire@oxfam.ca

Website: http: //www.oxfam.ca

Oxfam GB

Office address:274 Banbury Road,Oxford ,Ox27DZ United kingdom

Tel:44 1865 311 311

Fax:441865 312 600


Website:http: //www.oxfam.org.uk

Intermon Oxfam

Office address:Roger de Lluria 15,08010 Barcelona,Spain

Tel:34 93 482 0708/0

Fax:34 93 482 0707


Website:http: //www.intermon.org http:// www.xkb 1.com

New Zealand

Office address: 62 Aitken Terrace,Kingsland,Auckland,New Zealand

Tel:64 9 355 6500

Fax:64 9 355 6505

E­mail: enquire@oxfam.org.nz

Website: http: //www.oxfam.org.nz

41.This is a table about ______.

A.Oxfams         B.branch bureaus of Oxfam      C.different pictures

42.There are______countries in the table.

A.six    B.five    C.seven

43.The telephone number of Oxfam in Canada is______.

A.64 9 355 6500         B.1 613 237 5236          C.852 2520 2525

44.The website of Oxfam in America is______.

A.http: //www.oxfamamerica.org     B.www.oxfam.org.nz   C.http: //www.oxfam.org.hk

45.Oxfam has ______ branch bureaus (分支结构) in different countries in the world.

A.13  B.16  C.12



It was 6: 00 on a Monday morning.With his books in his bag,13­year­old James Mwangi was on his way to school,the Mcedo­Beijing school in a slum (贫民窟) in Nairobi,the capital of Kenya.This school was built in 2001 with the help of China,for children from poor families.

After getting to school,Mwangi went straight to his class to do his class work.It is usual that pupils in this school prepare for their lessons before the teacher comes.

To_study_in_the_school_was_once_a_dream_for_the_poor_boy.His mother made a living by washing clothes for others.Some days she took home nothing,and some days she could get about $3—it was hardly enough to buy them a full meal for a day.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语同步练习
