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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9353


二、 单项选择(20分)

(    )21. John is _____ honest boy. Everyone in our class likes making ______ friends with him.

A. a, the          B. a; /          C. an; the         D. an; /

(    )22. – What’s the American English for “autumn”?  – __________.

A. Eraser         B. Movie        C. Fall         D. Vacation

(    )23. The trip from the school ________ about two hours by coach. It was too _________.

A. spent, boring     B. took, boring     C. cost, bored     D . took, bored

(    )24. The travellers have trips from one place to _________ all over the world.

A. the other        B. other           C. the others      D. another

(    )25. Parents ______ good conditions(条件) _______ us. We should be grateful(感激的)to them.

A. provide, to     B. provide, for      C. protect, to      D. protect, for

(    )26. Japan is__________ the east of China and __________ the east of Asia.

A. in, in         B. in, to       C. to, in     D. to, to

(    )27. My mother _________ me to the zoo if she ________ free tomorrow.

A. will take, will be  B. takes, is        C. will take , is    D. takes, will be

(    )28. – Amy, I bought a dress made _____ silk yesterday.   – Wow, it looks lovely _______ you.

A. of, on        B. from, on       C. of, for      D. from, for

(    )29. –I’m afraid I can’t go to the party tomorrow.   – ________ you told me you would. What happened?

A. And           B. But           C. So            D. Or

(    )30. There are ________ books in our school library. The students like to read them very much.

A. five thousands of  B. five thousands   C. five thousand  D. thousand of

(    )31. Her mother looked _________at that moment when she heard the good news.

A. happy        B. happily       C. unhappy       D. unhappily

(    )32. ________ of giant pandas is getting _________ because their living areas are becoming farmland.

A. The number, larger and larger        B. A number, larger and larger

C. The number, smaller and smaller     D. A number, smaller and smaller

(    )33. You are _____ to choose the way _______ the task.

A.free, finishing    B.free, finish         C. free, to finish     D.freely, to finish

(    )34. —Shall we go to Laoshe Tea House to drink special Beijing tea tomorrow?    — _____

A. Good idea!      B. That’s right.       C. Let’s not.       D. No.

(    )35. ---Do you decide what ______ during the summer holiday?  --- Yes. I plan ______ to Hainan.

A. to do, travel   B. to do, to travel   C. doing, traveling    D. doing, traveled

(    )36. My brother watches _______ every day. He sometimes watches _____ three hours a day.

A. much TVs, up to     B. a lot of TV, up to    C. a lot of TV, about to     D. many TVs, up to

(    )37. If we want to make our city _____, we must plant more trees.

A. is green        B. is greener    C. greener   D. to greener

(    )38. —Please don’t say a bad word about anyone.  -________.

A. OK, I do        B. Sorry, I don’t   C. Sorry, I won’t  D. Yes, I won’t

(    )39. Look at the picture. Can you see some boys __________ basketball?

A. plays       B. play    C. played   D. playing

(    )40. – _______ useful information you gave us! Thanks a lot!   – You are welcome.

A. How           B. What        C. What an       D. What a

三、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)

An old farmer lived with his grandson(孙子). Each morning, the   41   got up early and read his Bhagavad Gita(薄迦梵歌).

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