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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语同步练习   阅读:9353

One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the book like you   42   I can’t understand it, and I forget it easily. What’s the   43   of reading it?”http://w ww.xk b1.com

The grandfather said, “Take this coal(煤炭) basket down to the   44   and bring me back a basket of water.”

The boy did as his grandfather   45   ,but all the water ran   46   he got home. The grandfather laughed, “You’ll have to move faster next time.”

This time the boy   47   faster, but again the basket was empty. He told his grandfather that is was   48   to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead, but the old man said, “I just want a basket of water. You’re not   59   hard enough.”

The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely run. He again put the   50   into the river and ran hard. But there wasn’t anything in it again. He said   51   ,“Look, grandpa, it’s useless!”

“Watch the basket.” said the grandfather.

For the first time the boy   52   the basket was different. It had changed from a dirty old coal basket into a   53   one, inside and out.

“Boy, you might not understand or remember   54   when you read the book, but when you read it, you will be   55   ,inside and out. That’s what you got from it.”                          【泰州市最新一年中考试题】

(    )41. A. son            B. father            C. grandfather             D. grandmother

(    )42. A. so             B. but              C. or                     D. and

(    )43. A. time           B. place             C. use                   D. habit(习惯)

(    )44. A. house          B. beach            C. lake                   D. river

(    )45. A. said           B. saw              C. liked                   D. did

(    )46. A. as             B. after             C. until                   D. before

(    )47. A. ran            B. rode             C. drove                   D. flew

(    )48. A. difficult        B. interesting        C. impossible               D. unimportant

(    )49. A. hitting         B. trying            C. holding                 D. studying

(    )50. A. hand           B. bottle            C. basket                  D. coal

(    )51. A. sadly           B. hopefully        C. excitedly                D. happily

(    )52. A. forgot          B. realized          C. believed                 D. remembered

(    )53. A. white          B. clean            C. new                     D. black

(    )54. A. nothing         B. something       C. anything                 D. everything

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