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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语家庭作业   阅读:9285



1. He _________goes to bed late. He _________goes to bed early.

A. always, often   B. often, hardly ever   C. never, always   D. hardly ever, always

2. She exercises once _______twice a week, but she watches TV at least two _________six times a week.

A. or, or    B. or, to    C. to, to    D. to, or

3.---________does he go shopping?   ---Twice a week.

A. How    B. How often    C. How long    D. How many times

4. ---________does he use the Internet a week?    ---Once.

A. How    B. How often    C. How long    D. How many times

5. ---________did you sleep last night?       ---Nine hours.

A. How    B. How long    C. How many hours    D. How often

6. ---________did you sleep last night?      ---Nine.

A. How    B. How long    C. How many hours    D. How often

7. ---_________is it from here?         ---Ten minutes by bike.

A. How    B. How long    C. How far    D. How often

8. ________11-year-old girl has ________one-year-old younger brother.

A. A, an    B. An, a    C. The, a     D. The, an

9. 90 percent of the students go online three times a week, ________10 percent do that twice a week.

A. an other    B. another    C. other    D. the other

10. The answers ________the questions about watching TV is very interesting.

A. to    B. of    C. for    D. at

11. We knew the news ________the Internet.

A. though    B. across    C. by    D. through

12. ---Did Lucy ask you ________your bike? I know hers was broken.

---No, she asked me ________my eating habits.

A. about, about    B. about, for    C. for, for    D. for, about

13. ---Did your class go to the mountains yesterday?   ---No, it was so rainy that ________of us did that.

A. all    B. few    C. none    D. both

14. He often does ________at school. Look! He is doing morning ________over there.

A. exercise, exercise   B. exercise, exercises  C. exercises, exercises  D. exercises, exercise

15. _______junk food tastes very good, ________it isn’t healthy.

A. Although, but    B. Although, /    C. But, although    D. But,/

16. My mother wants me _______milk.

A. drink    B. drinking    C. to drink    D. drinks

17. Eating vegetables ________our health.

A. are good for   B. is good for   C. are good at   D. is good at

18. _______is good to relax by watching games.

A. It    B. This   C. That    D. He

19. Do you often stay up late ________TV?

A. watching    B. watch    C. watched    D. to watch

20. It was ________terrible that we couldn’t stand it.

A. such    B. so    C. too    D. very


Mr. Smith lives in the country,but he works in an office in a big city.He   1   to work by train every morning and comes   2   the same way.One morning while Mr Smith was   3  his newspaper on the train,a man sitting behind him tapped(轻拍)him on the shoulder(肩膀).The man said   4   to him and began to talk to him.The man said.“Your life is interesting,  5   it? You take the same station at the same time   6   morning,and you always sit in the   7   seat and read the same newspaper.”

When Mr. Smith   8   this.he put his newspaper down,turned back and said to the man angrily,“  9   do you know all that about me!”

“Well.I   10   sit in the same seat behind you.”the man answered.

(    )1.A.went      B.go      C.goes   D.going

(    )2.A.family     B.home      C.house   D.country

(    )3.A.reading     B.looking     C.seeing   D.watching

(    )4.A.Goodbye     B.Sorry      C.Thanks   D.Hello

(    )5.A.is      B.isn’t      C.has    D.hasn’t

(    )6.A.this       B.one      C.every   D.yesterday

(    )7.A.another     B.other      C.different   D.same

(    )8.A.listened     B.heard      C.found   D.felt

(    )9.A.How      B.What      C.Where   D.When

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