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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语家庭作业   阅读:9313
(    )38. A. easy  B. bad     C. able  D. interested

(    )39. A. good       B. well             C. bad             D. excited

(    )40. A. after     B. if          C. before            D. when

(    )41. A. running      B. swimming       C. skating           D. flying

(    )42. A. so       B. but          C. or          D. and

(    )43. A. tall    B. nice         C. happy         D. healthy

(    )44. A. eating    B. reading         C. walking     D. sleeping

(    )45. A. every     B. any          C. both         D. each

(    )46. A. pieces    B. minutes      C. kinds           D. times

(    )47. A. carefully    B. especially(特别) C. finally         D. slowly

(    )48. A. exercise   B. practice         C. sing        D. dance

(    )49. A. thin    B. beautiful      C. fat         D. clever

(    )50. A. lose       B. buy          C. get      D. sell



(    )51.What does this chart tell us about in Nanjing?

A. The month.  B. The rain.   C. The temperature(气温).  D. The weather(天气).

(    )52. What’s the temperature in May?

A. About 20.    B. About 25.  C. About 30.             D. About 15.


Two friends were eating at the table, there was a cup of chili oil(辣椒油). It looked nice. The two men hadn’t seen it before. One of them thought it was sweet and drank some of it. Tears(眼泪) ran down from his eyes. But he hoped that his friend felt the same as him. He said nothing. When the other man saw that his friend was crying, he asked, “Why are you crying, my dear friend?” “I was thinking of my father. Two years ago, when he drove out on a wet day, another car hit his car and he died. How poor he was!”

Soon after that the other man took some of the chili oil. When tears started down from his eyes, his friend asked the same question, “Why are you crying, then?”

“To think that you were not in the same car as your father was.”

(    )53. How did the chili oil taste?

A. It was sweet.                         B. It was nice.

C. It was delicious.                      D. It was terrible.

(    )54. Why didn’t the first man tell the fact(事实)?

A. He wanted his friend to drink some chili oil.

B. He wanted his friend to cry for his father.

C. He thought his friend would like the chili oil.

D. He thought the chili oil was good for his friend.


Everyone should get enough sleep. If a student doesn't sleep well at night, he won't study well and he can’t listen to the teacher carefully in class. For a driver, it is easier for him to have an accident (事故) if he is tired. Good sleep is also important for your health. Without good sleep, a person may become ill.

It is hard for some people to sleep well. A lot of things can help you get a good night's sleep. First, doing some exercise will help you sleep. Walking, running and bike riding are good ways. Other good ways are playing ball games, such as basketball, soccer or tennis. However, you must not do these just before bedtime.

Second, before you go to bed, you shouldn't drink coffee or any soft drinks. It is also not a good idea to eat sweets. But drinking a cup of warm milk may help you to sleep.

Third, you can take a warm bath or listen to quiet music before you go to bed. Many people find that they are helpful to sleep.

Follow the advice above and have a good sleep every day. Then you can wake up happily in the morning and maintain your health.

(    )55. The first paragraph(第一段) mainly tells us _______.

A. students should sleep well          B. sleeping well is important

C. tired drivers mustn't drive          D. How we can stay healthy

(    )56. Just before bedtime, _______ will NOT help you to sleep well.

A. listening to quiet music            B. having a warm bath

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