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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9183



(   ) 1. It’s polite _________ you to ________”Thank you” when you get help from others.

A. of; speak      B. of; say     C. for; speak    D. for; say

(   ) 2. The computers made in China are much cheaper than ________ made in America.

A. that           B. ones      C. those        D. one

(   ) 3.The old people must be looked after well and ____ politely.

A. speak to   B. spoken    C. spoke to   D. spoken to

(   ) 4. — Why not go to see the fashion show with me?   — Because I _________ it.

A. saw     ,     B. will see       C. see        D. have seen

(   ) 5. _______, the suspect is talking to someone. _____ him and I’ll _______to call the police.

A. Look; Watch; go   B. Watch; Look; come  C. See; Watch; go   D. Look; See; come

(   ) 6. It’s _________ that his father is a kidnapper.

A. highly possible   B. possibly     C. probably   D. high possible

(   ) 7. They played carelessly. _________, they lost the game.

A. As a result of   B. At the end     C. As a result    D. To the end

(   ) 8.Though he had a criminal record, you shouldn’t _________ him.

A. look down on   B. look for      C. look up on    D. look after

(   ) 9. How terrible the accident was! The man was hit _______and ________.

A. by car; bled dead       B. by a car; bled to death

C. by car; bled to death    D. by a car; bled dead

(   ) 10. — Shall we go swimming after school?  — ________. I have a lot of homework to do.

A. I agree with you   B.I think so   C. I’m afraid I can’t  D. All right

(   ) 11.If someone is wanted by the police, it means he___________.

A. did something good     B. helped other people

C. did something wrong    D. earned a lot of money

(   ) 12. It’s noisy in the cinema. I can’t _________.

A. hear something  B. listen something   C. listen to anything   D. hear anything

(   ) 13. It’s rainy today. Mother tells me __________ an umbrella with me.

A. to bring        B. take       C. bring        D. to take

(   ) 14. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t _________ what he said.

A. listen          B. miss         C. catch        D. receive

(   ) 15. — Which of these two skirts will you take?

— I will take ________. They look nearly the same, and I just need one.

A. both          B. all           C. none        D. either

(   ) 16. — Ann, can you come to my birthday party tonight?   — ________. I’ll come on time.

A. Yes, please    B. Sure, I’d love to  C. Sorry, I can’t  D. No, hanks

(   ) 17. — Dad, do I need to bring a raincoat with me?  —I’m afraid you_________

A. will have to        B. needn’t     C. can     D. need

(   ) 18. Daniel is sure ________ out the secret. You can be sure ________ that.

A. about finding; about    B. that he’ll find; for   C. of finding; of       D. to find; of

(   ) 19. I didn’t know which book was better, so I took them _________.

A. both           B. all        C. each     D. none

(   ) 20. Lucy is really __________ and _________ than Lily.

A. funny; much outgoing  B. funnier; most outgoing

C. funny; much outgoing  D. funnier; more outgoing

(   ) 21. Millie is an __________ girl. She often________ jokes.

A. interesting; speaks   B. interested; tells  C. interested; speaks    D. interesting; tells

(   ) 22. He went to the Guan’s house__________ the morning of 28th December, but __________ the evening he was at his sister’s wedding.

A. in; in         B. on; in       C. in; on       D. in; at

(   ) 23. A policeman told him that a shop ___________.

A. had robbed  B. had stolen   C. had been robbed    D. had been stolen

(   ) 24. I _________ that the victim was arrested before.

A. heard         B. heard of      C. listened    D. listened to

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语同步练习
