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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9784


一. 单项选择

21. Maria is _____ American girl. She can play _____ chess very well, but she can’t play _____ trumpet.

A. an; the; the      B. a; / ; the         C. an; / ; the     D. a; the; /

22. Edward is Cindy’s brother. _____ last name is Jackson. _____ sister is a very pretty girl. She likes _____ very much.

A. Their; His; him     B. His; His; her

C. Her; Her; them     D. Their; Her; him

23. There is _____ on the bed.

A. not backpack  B. not balls  C. no book  D. some CDs

24. — What _____ does he like best? — He likes running.

A. music    B. subject     C. animal    D. sport

25. — Why do you like comedies? — Because they’re _____ .

A. crazy      B. funny        C. boring       D. sad

26. — What do you think the teachers in your school are like?

— I think they are very kind, _____ they look serious.

A. though     B. or     C. because       D. and

27. — Will you please write your note on “Red Apple” and _____ it to me tomorrow morning?

— What about the day after tomorrow? My computer doesn’t work well now.

A. take    B. bring    C. e-mail    D. give

28. He has no brothers _____ sisters.

A. but   B. and   C. or   D. /

29. My parents often go to that restaurant to ______.

A. buy some clothes    B. have meals

C. see movies         D. post letters

30. — Your dress is beautiful. — _____.

A. don’t say so   B. Where? Where?  C. Thank you   D. Oh, no

二. 完型填空

Dr Spear is a doctor living in London. She decided one morning to31her cat away. Dr Spear thought that it was much32for the animal to live in the33 .34she put Mimi in her car and drove more than 100 kilometres out of the city to her brother’s house and left the cat with him. A month later she was shocked to35that Mimi was no longer36 ! Then one night Dr Spear heard a37at her bedroom window. Unable to sleep she38bed and was surprised to see a thin cat looking39 . She chased the cat away and went back to bed. Then, just as she was about to fall asleep, something landed on her bed. “It gave me a40fright(惊吓)and then I realized it was Mimi!”

31. A. put     B. leave     C. give      D. ask

32. A. higher    B. better     C. more dangerous    D. harder

33. A. country    B. city     C. house      D. car

34. A. But     B. Because    C. Or      D. So

35. A. think     B. see      C. hear      D. ask

36. A. alive     B. there    C. here      D. pretty

37. A. noise     B. story    C. laugh     D. voice

38. A. made the    B. put away the C. got out of     D. looked at the

39. A. at      B. up     C. down     D. in

40. A. soft     B. real     C. strange     D. bit

三. 阅读理解(每小题3分,共30分)


I have a friend called Mark. Last Sunday it was a beautiful day. When it got too hot, Mark rolled up his sleeves. I was very surprised to see that he had a tattoo! Then he told me he has lots of tattoos. He has tattoos on his arms, legs, chest and back. So of course I asked him lots of questions about the tattoos!

“It was ten years ago,” he said, “I remember I was on an island in the middle of the sea. I chose a dolphin tattoo because I wanted to have something about the sea.”

“I liked the idea of doing more designs about the sea. So after the dolphin I had an octopus, and then a starfish. These are on my left leg. Then, over my left arm I had lots of fish swimming together. They took a long time to do. I also have a crab and a lobster too!”

“Most recently I got a mermaid. It was finished two weeks ago. I saw a painting of a beautiful mermaid in a museum. I took a photograph and then decided to get a tattoo. I made the design a little simpler.”

“People ask me if getting a tattoo hurts. It depends. If you feel relaxed then it’s OK. But if you’re tired or nervous then you feel it more. It also depends where on the body the tattoo is done.”

41. Where did the writer find the tattoo?

A. On Mike’s sleeves.   B. On Mike’s arms.  C. On Mike’s body.

42. When was the mermaid done?

A. Ten years ago.   B. Last Sunday.   C. Two weeks ago.

43. Where did he get the idea for the beautiful mermaid?

A. From the sea.

B. From a painting.

C. From the cinema.

44. We can learn from the last paragraph that _______.

A. it’s not good to feel nervous when getting a tattoo

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语同步练习
