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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9966




1.We all dream about things that we would like to do and things we hope to a      in the future.

2.Some students hope to c       studying after finishing high school and go to university.

3.It seems that most students hope to have a good e      and find a good job.

4.I don’t know if they can p       the information about that plan.

5.His c      certainly sounded reasonable.


6.I would like to travel to a place which is very      (peace).

7.We all like to make friends with Sally because she is very       (friend) to others.

8.Li Hong is very interested in English. She said she wanted to be a       (translate) when she was older.

9.All the volunteers are       (will) to do such things.

10.Yesterday we watched an       (education) movie in the central meeting room.


11.You’re supposed to pay the bill by Friday.(改为同义句)

You’re               pay the bill                      Friday.

12. I’d like to travel with someone. He can translate things for me.(合并为一句)

I’d like to travel with someone              translate things for me.

13.My dream is to be an English teacher.(对画线部分提问)

your dream?

14.I’d like to go to Beijing on vacation. (对画线部分提问)

you like to go on vacation?

15.I hope I will pass the math exam next time. (改为简单句)

I hope              the math exam next time.


16.Are you ______to visit the place all by yourself?

A.will       B. willing     C. would          D. go

17.—Why do the people decide______there these days?

—Because there’s not much to do.

A. visit           B. to visiting     C . not visiting      D.not to visit

18.It seems       most of the students would like to go to college after high school.

A.what       B.if              C. whether       D. that

19.He’s working hard       he can pass the exam.

A.because           B.so that           C.that             D.because of

20. —What do you thi nk of that      ?


A.translator          B.translater         C.translating       D.translate

21.There are many foreign students in our school       16 Japanese.

A.including                             B.included

C.includes                              D.include

22. —Where are you going to travel this summer holiday?

—I’m going       .

A.somewhere warmly                    B.warm somewhere

C.relaxing somewhere                    D.somewhere relaxing

23. —What are you thinking about?

—I’m considering      a letter to my parents in the USA.

A.reading          B.writing            C.to write          D. to read

24.She likes clothes that      unusual.

A.was             B.were              C.are              D.is

25.My family live in a house       green trees around it.

A.with             B.in                C.for               D.among


Nowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. The other day I read a report about the   26   people spend their holidays. It is reported that in recent years several new holiday habits have developed.  27   them, the most interesting one is the growth of holiday camps.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语同步练习
