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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9577



I.  单项填空(每小题1分,共15

(  )26.----Where is Beth ? ----She       to her hometown .

A. has gone     B. has been    C. went    D. have gone

(   )27. –Could you tell me      Fairmont ?   ---The day after tomorrow . I think.

A. when will you visit     B. when you will visit   C. when would you visit  D. when you would visit

(   )28.—He      to school by bike but now he      to school on foot .

A. used to going ; get used to go       B. used to go ; gets used to going

C. used to go  ; gets used to go        D. gets used to going  ; gets used to go

(   )29. –Zhou Jielun is so cool . I’m his fan. ---

A. So do I     B. So I do     C. So am  I  D. So I am

(   )30.Whith the help of the government, many poor Children can get chances        to school.

A. go     B. to go     C. goes    D. going

(   )31.Japan is a       country while china is a       country.

A. developing  ; developed   B. developing ; developing  C. developed; developing D. developed ; developed

(   )32.In china about      of people live in the country.

A. three fifth    B. third fifth    C. third fifths  D. three fifths

(    )33. Maria has never been to Shanghai.       ?

A. isn’t she    B. hasn’t she    C. has she   D. is she

(    )34.---Why do you come here?   ---We are here to      the public      services.

A. provide ; to   B. provide ; with    C. provide ;  for     D. provide  ; in

(   )35.HuMing      for about two yeas.

A. has joined the army   B. has been a soldier   C. was a soldier   D. joined the aumy

(   )36. I have      the Great wall twice . It is an        place.

A. been to  ; excited   B. gone to ; exciting    C. been to ; exciting  D. gone to ; excited

(   )37.My English is very poor. I can’t learn it well      you help me .

A. if    B. unless    C. while     D. when

(   )38.Lily told John      for class again next time ,

A. not late     B. don’t he late    C. didn’t late     D. not to be late

(   )39. ----What did Ann ask you just now , Tom?    --- She asked      for the bike.

A. did I pay how much   B. I paid how much   C. how much did I pay  D. how much I paid

(   )40.----Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow? ----    It has rained for ten days . It’s too wet every where.

A.I hope not   B. I’m sure it is     C. I’m afraid to will     D. I hope so .



Pan Weihong, 14, from Taizhou, Zhejiang, was watching news on her computer when her mother came in. Her mother immediately asked her to turn off the computer, but Pan   41  .

“I was taking a rest. I wasn’t going to use it for  42  ,” said Pan. “But she didn’t listen. I couldn’t understand her!”

Many teenagers often feel the   43  as Pan. Growing up, they might feel as if their parents want to   44  them.

The main reason behind this all is that teenagers are becoming more independent (独立的) and want to make their own decisions,   45  parents have their worries too.

Pan’s mother thought Pan was “too young to use the computer  46  ”.

Besides,   47  children and parents have stresses in their own lives. Children have to study hard. Their parents need to  48  the whole family. Without a proper way to ease (减轻) the stress, it’s  49   to bring it home with you.

To solve the problem, children   50   walk in their parents’ shoes, said Xia Ziting, 15, from Nanjing, Jiangsu.

“  51   our parents do is the life experience that we don’t have now. More often than not, they are right,” she said. “They may just use the wrong way of telling us.”

Wang Jiannan, 15, from Taiyuan, Shanxi,   52   that teenagers find the right time and right way to talk to their parents.

“Don’t argue with them when they’re very angry. It’s taken me many painful (痛苦的)

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语同步练习
