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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9893

A. finished  B. will finished   C. has finished    D. had finished

19.The teacher understands that ________ Maths had always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students.

A. since    B. unless        C. although         D. when

20.He ran as fast as possible ________ he could reach school on time.

A. in order to    B. so as to      C. when         D. so that


1. It ________ (be) nearly two years since we went to the party last.

2. He is hungry, because he ________ (not have ) his breakfast yet.

3.  When Tom’s mother came home, little Tom _______ (cry) loudly.

4. I ________ (not know) it until you ________ (tell) me.

5. They started as soon as they ______ (receive)my telephone.

6. He ________ (leave) as soon as he ________ (drink) his coffee.

7. Edison placed a big mirror behind the lamps so that the doctor ________ (operate).

8. He ________(be) better today than he ________ (be) yesterday.

9.  I hope you ________ (be) happy while you ________ (be)here.

10.Whatever ________ (happen) , I ________ (be) on your side.


1. He didn’t come. He was ill. (because)

2. He is too young to join the army. (so……that)

3. He studies English hard. He is over seventy. (though)

4. We will stay at home. It rains. (if)

5. He was doing his homework. Someone knocked at the door. (when)

6. I waited. He came back. (not……until)

7. He is tall. I am tall. (as……as)

8. My mother was cooking. I was listening to the news. (while)

9. It was a hot day. We couldn’t sleep well. (such……that)

10. He came into the warm room. He took off his cap and sat down. (as soon as)


1. He didn’t see the film yesterday ________________________________ (因为他忙于复习功课).

2. She has done a lot of good deeds _______________________________ (自从她入团以来).

3. The little girl stopped crying __________________________ (一看见她母亲).

4. The film is interesting _______________________ (以致每个人都想再看一遍).

5. When I came into the room, _________________________ (我父亲正在看书).

6. I will go out for a walk, ________________________ (如果明天不下雨).

7. Don’t ask me to repeat ________________________ (除非你真的不理解).

8.We will try to finish the work in time _____________________________ (尽管我们缺钱).

9. The quicker you work, __________________________ (这项任务就会完成得越早).

10. We left in such a hurry __________________________ (以致于忘了关灯).



Ⅰ. 1.and 2.or 3.but 4.so 5.then

Ⅱ.1—5 D C B B A  6—10 C C B A B  11—15 C A C D D  16—20 B A D A B

21—25 A D A A C  26—30 A C C B A



1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D

11.C 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.D


1.is      2.has not had

3.was crying    4.didn’t know, had told

5.received    6.left, drank

7.would operate   8.is, was

9.will be, are    10.happens, will be


1. He didn’t come because he was ill.

2. He is so young that he can’t join the army.

3. Though he is over seventy, he studies English hard.

4. We will stay at home if it rains.

5. He was doing his homework when someone knocked at the door.

6. I didn’t leave until he came back.

7. He is as tall as I (am)

8 My mother was cooking while I was listening to the news.

9. It was such a hot day that we couldn’t sleep well.

10. He took off his cap and sat down as soon as he came into the warm room.


1. because he was busy going over his lessons.

2. since he joined the league.

3. as soon as she saw her mother.

4. so that everyone wants to see it again.

5. my father was reading a book.

6. if it doesn’t rain.

7. unless you really don’t understand.

8. although we are short of money.

9. the sooner we’ll finish the task.

10. that we forgot to turn off the light.


1. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _______.

A.breaks    B.has broken     C.were broken      D.had been broken

解析:答案为C。本题考查的是as if 引导的让步状语从句中的语气问题,as if引导的状语从句如果与事实一致,不用虚拟语气,如果与事实相反,应用虚拟语气。题中“当铅笔的一部分浸在水中,铅笔看上去好像断了”。而实际上铅笔并未断,与事实相反,前半部分陈述是一般现在时,因而本句是对一般现在时的虚拟,用were broken。

2. I didn't see your sister at the meeting. If she ___________, she would have met my brother.

A.has come      B.did come      C.came      D.had come


3. —If he ___________, he ________that food.

—Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语同步练习
