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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:9893
4.Darkness _________ in,the young people lingered on merrymaking.

A.set B.setting  C.has set D.was set

5.With all factors_________,we think this program may excel all the others in achieving the goal.

A.being considered  B.considering C.considered D.are considered

6.A new technique_________,the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.

A.to have been worked out  B.having worked out C.working out  D.having been worked out

7.On the top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still,ears_________,alert,listening.

A.pointed B.pointing  C.are pointed D.are pointing

8.Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office ,but our work _________,we declined the offer.

A.not being finished  B.not having finished C.had not been finished D.was not finished

9.There are various kinds of metals ,each _________ its own properties.

A.has B.had  C.to have D.having

10.The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports,each _________ one major point in contrast with the other.

A.makes B.made C.is to make D.making

Key:1—5 BCABC  6—10 DAADD



leave --- be away, borrow --- keep, buy --- have,begin/start --- be on,die --- be dead, finish --- be over,join --- be in+组织机构, be a member of+组织机构,open sth --- keep sth open,fall ill ---be ill,get up---be up,catch a cold --- have a cold, come here --- be here, go there --- be there,become --- be,come back --- be back,fall asleep --- be asleep,get to/ arrive/reach --- be (in),leave --- be away from,get to know --- know, go (get) out →be out,put on→ wear;catch a cold →have a cold等例:The old man died 4 years ago.----The old man has been dead for 4 years. ---- It is 4 years since the old man died.----Four years has passed since the old man died. He joined the Party 2 years ago. -----He has been in the Party for 2 years. I bought the book 5 days ago. ---- I have had the book for 5 days.


1. When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus ________ for 20 minutes.

A. has left B. had left C. has been away D. had been away

2. I ______ the League for 5 years so far.

A. joined B. have joined C. have been in

3. The factory ________ since the February of 1988.

A . has been openB. has openedC. was open D. opened

4. Mary and Rose _______friends since they met in 2000.

A. have made B. have been C. made D. have become

5.You mustn't ________ until he comes back.

A. be awayB. leave C. be left

6.The meeting_______ for a week now.

A. has finishedB. has endedC. has been over

7.Miss Gao ______ this school for nearly 5 years.

A. has been in B. has come toC. has taught

8.Ben ______ a teacher for 4 years .

A. has been B. has become C. was D. became

9. I ______ home for a week.

A. have returned B. have been back C. returned

10. How long _______ he ________ ?

A. died B. has, died C. has, been dead

11. He ______ at eight yesterday afternoon.

A. slept B. was sleeping C. has sleep D. had slept

12.He ________ the car for a week.

A. bought B. has bought C. has had

13.-----How long _____ you _____ ill ? -----Two weeks.

A. did fall B. have, fell C. have, been

14.Since 2000, he _____ his hometown.

A. has left B. has moved away C. has been away from

15.I'll lend you the book , but you can only _____ it for 2 days.

A. borrow  B. keep C. take

16.The bus ______ on the road for 2 hours so far.

A. has stopped B. stopped C. has been

17.Are you _____ the jacket these days?

A. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. on

18.He ________ foe 2 hours.

A. got up B. has got up C. has been up

19. Tom is ill in hospital. He _______ a cold for several days.

A. is B. catches C. has caught D. has had

20.----- How long can I ______ the book?    ------ Two weeks.

A. borrow B. lend C. get D. keep


1---5 D C A B B;6---10 C A A B C; 11---15 B C C C B; 16---20 C A C D D



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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语同步练习
