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高一英语UNIT 6 Design 教案

[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语教案   阅读:9821

(1)above 在…之上(不一定在正上方,其反义词 below),on 在…之上 (与之表面接触),反义词是beneath, over 在…之上(在正上方 反义为under)

He kept his head (在水面上).

The light hangs (我们的头上).

(2) behind(意思 ), near (意思 ),还有介词词组:in front of(意思 ) ,in the middle of(意思 ) ,at the back of(意思 ), at the bottom of (意思 )等

4. 常用表示运动方向的介词有:across,along,down,to 等

(长城)winds its way across the desert.


The grey cat walked quietly along the grey fence in the grey backyard.


The Smiths go to church (穿过马路) .





1.The poor girl was born India December 5, 1996.

2.The girl sits her mother and father.

3.Jim often gets up six o’clock the morning.

4.The teacher stands the blackboard.

5.Harbin is the north of China.

6.You can see stars night, but you can’t see them a rainy night.

7.The teacher will be back an hour.

8.He can speak two other foreign languages well English.

9.The boat is passing the bridge.

10.They went to school by bike on foot today.

11. the morning of last Sunday I got up very early to do my homework.

12.Some people made noise the course of the medical conference.

Step 4高考链接(C级)

1 -----How long has this bookshop been in business?

------- 1982.

A After B In C From D Since

2 The train leaves at 6;30 pm. So I have to be at the station

5:40pm at the latest.

A until B after C by D around

3 The number of the workers has grown from 1000 to 1200. This means it has risen 20 percent.

A by B at C to D with

4 The sunshine came in the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A through B across C on D over


5 The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed my memory.

A to B over C by D on

6 In order to change attitudes employing women ,the government is bringing in new laws.

A about B of C towards D on

7 Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard. ,you failed.

A In the end B After all C In other words D At the same time

8 A big fire broke out a cold night.

A on B at C in D for


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UNIT 6 Design 导学案(3)

Lesson 2 Great Buildings

A tip: Where your will is ready, your feet are light. .


Learning contents:1.Learn some listening skills.

2.Learn some key words.

Learning difficult points:Master some listening skills by listening the listening materials .

Listening Strategies :

**After listening , it is useful to think about how difficult the exercise were for you .

**Mark the difficulty of listening texts like this :

A)not very B) quitr C) very

** Mark the difficulty of the texts like this :

A)not very B) quitr C) very

Learning steps:

StepⅠListen and write the words of lesson 2 (A)

1._________ 2._________ 3.___________

4._________ 5._________ 6.___________

7._________ 8._________ 9.___________

10.________ 11.________ 12.__________

StepⅡListen to the radio programme and complete the table with the key words (B)

Period : ancient, modern, early twentieth century

Materials : stone, marble, glass, metal, concrete

Features : balcony, tower, roof, statue

Kinds of buildings : palace, bank, castle, skyscraper

Kinds of buildings Period/style Materials Features

1. palace ancient marble Balcony,


StepⅢ Listen to the description again and complete the function file. (B)

Sort of , as if , looks , type of ,

like , locsted , kind of

Describing places

1.It’s on a loch, you know , a ________ lake .

2.It looks ________ it’s in the water .

3.It really looks ________ something from a fairytale .

4.It’s ________on a small island .

5.It ________ really strong .

6.It’s made of a ________ stone .

7.Inside, it’s________strange .

StepⅣListen to the sentences about Hyde Park in London ,and finish the following sentences (B)

1.One very interesting place to visit in _____is _____

2.In Hyde Park there are_____ _____ _____ and broad paths to _____ _____.

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标签: Design   高一英语教案
