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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语教案   阅读:9831


Ⅰ.Read the passage and tell T or F

1. Yong Hui came to WangPeng’s restaurant to have a meal. ﹝﹞

2. Wang Peng told Yong Hui that her menu was not so good. ﹝﹞

3. Yong Hui likes ice cream very much. ﹝﹞

4. Neither Yong Hui’s restaurant nor Wang Peng’s offers a balanced diet﹝﹞

5. At last they combined that ideas and provided a balanced menu.. ﹝﹞


1.There is little time left, so the chairman asked me to __ my speech to 15 minutes.

A. make B. give C. limit D. explain

2.After two years’ hard work, they at last got _________ and __________.

A. out of debt , paid off the debts B. into debt, paid back the debts

C. in debt, paid of the debts D. out of debts, paid the debt

3. The new medical care policy will be ________ to us all.

A. great benefit B. benefited C. beneficial D. for the benefit

4. Your article is too long. You must ________ to about 3,000 words.

A. cut it off B. cut it up C. cut it down D. cut it out

5. If knowledge can be in some way ________ with my experience, we are sure to succeed.

A. joined B. united C. connected D. combined

6. Why are you _________ me all the time ? What do you want to spy ________?

A. spying on, about B. spying for, for C. spying on, for D. spying on, on

7. I shall visit you again ________.

A. long after B. after long C. before long D. long before

8. Filled with anger, he didn’t shout or swear ,but just ________ silently at me.

A. looked B. stared C. glared D. glanced

9. He has _____ little education that he finds it impossible for him to be equal to _______ important a task.

A. so, such B. such, so C. so, so D. such, such

10. With more and more new drugs ___, doctors don’t find it that difficult to treat patients.

A. develop B. developed C. to develop D. being developed


1. You’d better eat some fresh fruit and vegetables because they _____________ (富含) fibre and vitamins. (rich)

2. Don’t eat the food _______________ (含有) a lot of sugar and fat, which can make you ________________ (长胖) . (contain, weight)

3. It’s of great importance _________________________ (养成良好的生活习惯). (form)

4. The doctor told me _______________________ (减少吸烟和喝酒的量) (cut)

5. He said he had been to The Summer palace _____________ (很久以前) (before)

6. When he was asked how he lived till today, he said in the most difficult time he ______________ (靠卖报纸为生) (living)

7. We find it necessary ___________________ (将理论和实践结合起来). (combine)

8. You _________________ (本不该过着贫穷的生活). (ought)

v. 语法专练

A. ought to

1. He ought to help his brother work out the problem. (改成否定句)


2.Tom ought to go to have a rest. (改成一般疑问句)


3.Such things ought to be done at once, _____________?(反意问句)


标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语教案
