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[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语教案   阅读:9982


Period 1 Listening and speaking

Teaching aims:

1. To train the Ss’ listening ability.

2. To improve the Ss’ speaking ability.

3. To know something about some famous places.

4. To talk about the ways of how to protect cultural relics.

Important points:

Learn to talk about cultural relics

Difficult point:

How to improve the Ss’ listening ability

Teaching methods:

1. Listening and answering activity to help the Ss get the meaning of the listening.

2. Pair work to practice speaking.

Teaching aids : Computer & recorder

Teaching procedures:


Students’  activities

Teacher’s  activities

Step 1 Revision

Do the revision together with the teacher

1.     Using pictures to revise

2.     Revise the words

Step 2  Lead in

Discuss about the pictures

Show some pictures to lead in the text


Step 3  Listening

1.     Listen to the tape

2.     Do the exercises

Help the Ss to do the exercises

Step 4  Retelling

1.     Using the information to form a text

2.     Do the retelling.

1.     Do an example for the Ss

2.     Help the Ss to do the retelling

Step 5 Speaking

1.Talk about the pictures

2.Prpare the dialogue

3.Show their dialogues

1.Show some pictures on the screen

2.Help the Ss to talk about them

Step 6 Summary

1.     Look at the screen.

2.     Recall the main points.

1.Summarize the main points

2. Summarize the grammar

Step 7 Homework

1.     Find more information about the topic

2.     Prepare the reading text

Show the homework



标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语教案
