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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语试题   阅读:9624

Urzua --- after shaking hands with rescue workers ---- climbed into a capsule barely wider than a man’s shoulders at 9:46 and was hauled up (拖上来 ) from a narrow hole drilled through 2,000 feet of rock. He arrived at the top 11 minut es later.

“We have done what the entire world was waiting for,” he told Chilean President Sebastian Pinera immediately after his rescue. “The 69 days that we fought so hard were not in vain.” Pinera greeted Urzua, saying “You have been rescued, coming out last like a good leader… You have no idea how all Chileans share with

you your hardships, your hope, and your joy. You are an inspiration.” With Urzua by his side, the president led the crowd in singing the national anthem.Robinson Marquez once worked with Urzua in a nearby mine. He described Urzua as a calm, professional person and a born leader. “He is very protective of his men and obviously loves them. He wouldn’t have left until all of his men were safely above ground,” Marquez said.

Under Urzua’s leadership, the men stretched an emergency food supply meant to last just 48 hours over two and a half weeks, taking tiny sips of milk and bites of fish every other day.He described the difficulties of the first days, saying that it took about three hours for the dust to settle before the men could inspect where tons of collapsed rock sealed off (堵住) the main way out. When the rescuers first made contact by drilling a narrow hole into their refuge (避难处), the miners were so excited that everyone wanted to hug the drill hammer.After the collapse, Urzua was the first to speak to Pinera and to urge him not to let him and his men down. “Don’t leave us alone,” he asked the president, who assured the workers that they would not be abandoned, telling them he would do everything he could to get them back to the surface.

43. The mine collapsed on ____.

A. March 2 B. June 3 C. August 5 D. October 13

44. Which word can’t be used to describe Urzua?

A. Selfish B. Calm C. Optimistic D. Talented

45. What do you know about the capsule?

A. It is very spacious. B. It is very narrow.

C. It is made by Urzua. D. It is used in space.

46. The emergency food supply was designed to last ____.

A. over two and a half weeks B. five days

C. one week D. two days


The Apple iPhone’s impact was widely evident (明显的) at the Consumer Electronics Show, as new touch-screen devices could be found everywhere.

The consumer electronics industry came unbuttoned in Las Vegas this week. At the annual Consumer Electronics Show, companies from around the world unveiled many devices boasting (以拥有…而自豪) touch – sensitive technology, rather than traditional push-button controls.

Motorola, Sony, and LG Electronics all showed off touch-screen phones this week. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates praised and offered a touch-screen computer, the Surface, related to a flat panel TV for a tabletop. Even camera makers, such as Kodak,included touch-screen LCDs in their devices. Touch-screen tech has been in use for years,but the push to develop and weave it into consumer electronics gathered steam with the June introduction of Apple’s iPhone. “The touch-screen industry is really getting hot,” says Jennifer Colegrove, a senior analyst at iSuppli. “Since the iPhone came out, there are a lot of companies that did not have a relationship with touch screens before that decided, ‘OK, I want to make a touch screen, too.’”

The touch-screen tech ecosystem now includes more than 100 companies specializing in everything from smudge-proof (防污的) screens to sensors (传感器) able to detect fingers before they even contact the screen. Sales of leading touch-screen technologies,such as th ose used in mobile phones and navigation (航行) devices,are expected to rise to $ 4.4 billion in 2012, up from $ 2.4 billion in 2006,according to iSuppli estimates.

47. What did the writer think about the Apple iPhone?

A. The Apple iPhone was beautiful.

B. The Apple iPhone was popular.

C. The Apple iPhone was expensive.

D. The Apple iPhone was attractive.

48. What is the meaning of the underlined word “unveiled” in the second paragraph?

A. Invented. B. Unlocked.

C. Discovered. D. Showed.

49. The touch-screen tech was used in consumer electronics mainly because of _______.

A. traditional push-button controls

B. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates

C. the introduction of Apple’s iPhone

D. the touch-screen tech ecosystem

50. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The touch-screen technology will disappear.

B. The touch-screen technology will be replaced by traditional push-button controls.

C. The touch-screen technology will be as important as traditional push-button controls.

D. The touch-screen technology will be more widely used in electronics devices.



Have you ever seen any students whose trousers hang so low you can see their underwear? What do you think of that? Fashionable? Some of today’s teenagers are big fans of such a look. 51. __________

The headmaster of a school in central Italy has asked students to stop wearing low-rise jeans that expose underwear and parts of the body. His request came after a class trip. One day, he saw one boy’s baggy trousers slide to his feet. 52. ____________

But in Italy, a nation that takes fashion very seriously, the suggestion caused a debate among parents, teachers and students. The issue is whether the headmaster's request will limit stude nts' freedom— or whether dress in Italian schools is too casual.

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