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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语试题   阅读:9327











80.A.so thatBas a resultC.such asD.such that



83.A.with easeBwith careC.with worryD.with decision




Section B (26分) Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A B C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.



Holiday News

Vacancies (空位) now and in the school holidays at a country hotel in Devon. This comfortable, friendly home-from-home lies near the beautiful quiet countryside, but just a drive away from the sea. The food is simple but good. Children and pets are welcome.

Reduced prices for low season.

The Snowdonia Center

The Snowdonia Center for young mountain climbers has a mountain lesson. The beginners' costs are £57 for a week, including food and rooms. Equipment is included except walking shoes, which can be hired at a low cost.

You must be in good health and prepared to go through a period of body exercises. This could be the beginning of a lifetime mountain climbing adventure.

The World Sea Trip of a Lifetime

Our World Sea Trip of 2008 will be unlike any holiday you have ever been on before. Instead of one hotel after another, with all its packing and unpacking waiting and traveling, you just go to bed in one country and wake up in another.

On board the ship, you will be well taken care of. Every meal will be first-class and every cabin like your home.

During the trip, you can rest on deck(甲板), enjoy yourself in the games rooms and in the evening dance to our musical team and watch our wonderful play.

You will visit all the places most people only dream about - from Acapulco andHawaii to Tokyo and Hong Kong.

For a few thousand pounds, all you've ever hoped for can be yours.

84. What can you do if you like to go on holidays with pets?

A. Choose the holiday in Devon. B. Go to the Snowdonia Centre

C Join the World Sea Trip of 2008 D. Visit Acapulco and Hawaii

85. .In what way is the Snowdonia Centre different from the other two holidays?

A. It provides chances of family gatherings.

B. It provides customers with good food.

C. It offers a sport lesson.

D. It offers comfortable room.

86. What is special about the World Sea Trip of 2008?

A. You can have free meals on deck every day.

B. You can sleep on a ship and tour many places.

C. You will have chances to watch and act in a play.

D. You have to do your own packing and unpacking.

87. At the Snowdonia Centre, the beginners' costs of £57 do not cover_____.

A. food B. rooms C. body exercises D. walking shoes

B   We are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality, other, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.    Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed—no examination is perfect—but to have no tests or examinations would mean the end of equality and of standards. There are groups of people who oppose this view and who do not believe either in examinations or in any controls in school or on teachers. This would mean that everything would depend on luck since every pupil would depend on the efficiency, the values and the purpose of each teacher.    Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to them—a form of favourtism will replace equality. At the moment, the bright child from an ill—respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lake of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well—respected school. This defense of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child for m a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favoured school.    The opponents of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force because they show differences between pupils. According to these people, there must be no special, different, academic class. They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or any other area: all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection. The selection would be made by people who themselves are probably selected by some computer.

88. The word “favouritism” in paragraph 3 is used to describe the phenomenon that________.   A. bright children also need certificates go get satisfying jobs.   B. children from well—respected schools tend to have good jobs   C. poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets   D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高三英语试题
