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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小升初英语试卷   阅读:9558



Ben: Hi, Kitty.

Kitty: Hi, Ben.

Ben: Let’s have a camp trip this Saturday.

Kitty: Great! What do we need?

Ben: We need some bread and drinks.

Kitty: What drink do you like?

Ben: I like apple juice. What about you?

Kitty: Milk. It’s my favourite drink.

Ben: All right. Let’s go to the supermarket now.

Kitty: OK. But I haven’t got enough (足够的) money.


( ) 1. Ben and Kitty want to go for a camp this Sunday.

( ) 2. They only need something to drink.

( ) 3. They want to go to the supermarket to buy these things.

( ) 4. Ben’s favourite drink is milk.

( ) 5. Kitty want to take some apple juice with him.

( ) 6. They have enough money now.


A: Hi, Ben! It was National Day holiday last week. What did you do?

B: On Monday I watched a film with my family. On Tuesday and Wednesday I was at a camp. I played football with my family. On Thursday I played computer games with my friends. On Friday and Saturday I visited my uncle and aunt. They’re farmers. On Sunday I stayed at home and watched TV.

A: Wow, you were busy.




Thursday _____________Friday_____________

Saturday _____________



标签: 暂无联系方式 小升初英语试卷
