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冀教版四年级英语Lesson 18 Are You Short or Tall教案

[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语教案   阅读:9390

www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道搜集整理了冀教版四年级英语Lesson 18 Are You Short or Tall教案,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

冀教版四年级英语Lesson 18 Are You Short or Tall教案

教学目标:四会掌握 How tall are you? I'm ____metres tall.三会掌握How tall is ___ ? ____ is taller/shorter.

教学重点:四会掌握How tall are you? I'm ____metres tall.

教学难点: 身高的表达方法,形容词比较级。



1. T: Hello. How old are you?

2. sing a song: How old are you?

3. T: Hello. How old are you? S:____. T: How tall are you? (The teacher take out a ruler.) Oh. You're 1.3 metres tall. (Write the sentences on the blackboard.) “Point”, say it, please.

4. Show some numbers: 5.1, 7.6, 3.9, 22.8, 8.56, 64.319, 0.8

5. Show a ruler. 0.8metres 0.8m 1m

6. Show some animals. What animal is it? It's very tall. How

tall is it? It's 4.5 metres tall.

7. Show some pictures. T: How tall is it( panda)? S1: It's 1.6 metres tall. S2:How tall is it (giraffe)? S3:It's 3.1 metres tall. T: Oh, the giraffe is taller. Say it, please.

8. Guess. How tall is the horse/rabbit/sheep…? S: It's ____ metres tall. The ____ is taller.

9. Groups work , make a chart then tell the class.

What's your name? How old are you? How tall are you?

Writing on the blackboard:

How tall are you? I'm ____ metres tall.

How tall is he/she/Danny? _____.

_____ is taller/shorter.


Fill in the blanks.

How ____ are you? I'm 1.2 metres tall.

How tall ___ Kim? _____ is 1.3 metres tall.

Tom is 1.1m tall. Jim is 1.4m tall. _____ is taller and ____ is shorter.

以上就是冀教版四年级英语Lesson 18 Are You Short or Tall教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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