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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9795





(  )1. A. holiday B. Saturday C. yesterday D. Thursday

(  )2. A. child  B. chicken  C. children  D. kitchen

(  )3. A. costume B. relative C. delicious  D. favourite

(  )4. A. exciting B. interesting C. excited D. funny

(  )5. A. food   B. foot   C. fish    D. noodles

(  )6. A. make  B. made  C. map    D. middle

(  )7. A. popular B. people  C. police   D. purple

(  )8. A. beach  B. bear   C. dear    D. brother

(  )9. A. lantern  B. lamp  C. light    D. bright

(  )10. A. present  B. parent  C. peach   D. pear


(  )1. We usually eat moon cakes  A. with my parents.

(  )2. I didn’t have a big lunch   B. and watch the moon.

(  )3. David and his family    C. No, I don‘t.

(  )4. Did you eat delicious food  D. at the Mid-Autumn Festival?

(  )5. What did you do      E. On the 25th of December.

(  )6.Do you like Halloween?   F. went to a party at the Spring Festival.

(  )7. Did you play with lanterns  G. last Spring Festival?

(  )8. What’s your favourite holiday? H. Children‘s Day.

(  )9. When’s Christmas?     I. last New Year‘s Day?

(  )10. Did you go to parties    J. last Mid-Autumn Festival?


Mr White:      is on the 25th of     .

What holiday          it?

David:  New Year.

Mr White: What do      usually do at New Year?

David:  They go to      . And it’s my favourite holiday.

What      you?[

Mr White: My favourite holiday is the      Festival.

David:  Why?(为什么)

Mr White: Because I like      with


一、 根据内容填入适当的节日名称。(6分)

1.     is on the first day of May.

2. People eat moon cakes and watch the moon at     .

3. People usually make colourful eggs at     .

4. It‘s a popular holiday in China. It’s in January or February. It‘s     .

5. There are dragon boats at     .

6.     is on the first of June. Children all like it very much.

二、 找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(5分)

(  )1 A. great    B. cake   C. easy

(  )2 A. May    B. Tuesday  C. today

(  )3 A. doctor   B. door    C. floor

(  )4 A. purple   B. bird    C. daughter

(  )5 A. balloon  B. food    C. good


三、 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分)

1. children (单数)        2. Danny (名词所有格)

3. eat (过去式)         4. see (过去式)

5. swim (现在分词)       6. June (缩写形式)

7. twenty (序数词)       8. ninth (基数词)

9. party (复数)         10. peach (复数)

四、 英汉互译。(15分)

1. come after               2. 春节

3. rice dumplings              4. 赏月

5. the names of the holidays         6. 四月九号

7. lots of delicious food           8. 新年

9. your favourite holiday          10. 在国庆节


1. The children are watching the cartoons. They are very      (excite).

2. Tom      (have) a big lunch with his family last Spring Festival.

3. Mike and his sister      (be) in Japan last years.[

4.      (do) you      (go) to parties yesterday?

5. Children’s Day is      (come).

6. Nancy usually      (draw) pictures at home.

7. There      (be) two      (roll) of      (film) on the desk just now.

8. They go out to parks and      (beach).

9. It‘s on the      (five) of October.

六、 按要求改写句子,每空一词。(12分)

1. in, or, January, it, February, is (连词成句)

It is in               ?

2. watch, last, Festival, did, the, Mid-Autumn, moon, you (连词成句)

you      the moon last      Festival?

3. Christmas is on the 25th of December. (对划线部分提问)


4.     is     favourite subject? (根据答句完成问句)

My favourite subject is English.

5. Mr Green is talking to his students about holidays. (改为一般疑问句)

Mr Green      to his students about holidays ?

6. It’s the second of June today. (对划线部分提问)

What      is it today?

七、 阅读短文,判断正误,用“√”或“x”表示。(10分)

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival yesterday. Like (象......一样) other families, my family got together, too. We watched the moon and ate lots of moon cakes. They are very nice. My uncle sang some English songs for us. He also told us some funny things in Australia. We had a good time.

(   )1. My family didn‘t get together.

(   )2. My uncle sang English songs yesterday.

(   )3. The moon cakes are delicious.

(   )4. We had a lot of fun.

(   )5. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival today.



www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道    六年级英语试题

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