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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9944

Suddenly it began to rain. The water level(水位) in the river rose(上涨) and tree flew away with the water.

“You can eat all the apples. But you can’t come back,” shouted the monkey.

The fox stopped eating and looked at the monkey sadly.

(  )46. The little monkey and the little fox wanted to _____ on the other side of the river.

A. build a bridge B. eat the apples

C. pull down a treeD. play games

(  )47. The fox kicked the tree into the river because he wanted to _____.

A. eat all the apples by himselfB. share the apples with the monkey

C. get the apples firstD. play a joke on the monkey

(  )48. The fox could not come back because _____.

A. the monkey had taken away the tree

B. the tree had flown away

C. it began to rain

D. he was angry with the monkey

(  )49. The fox was sad because ______.

A. the monkey was laughingB. he couldn’t reach the apples

C. he couldn’t come backD. the monkey went home first

(  )50. The story tells us that _____.

A. the fox shouldn’t go first

B. the monkey should go first

C. the fox was cleverer than the monkey

D. one shouldn’t care only about himself


In England people can go to see a doctor nearby when they are ill. When the doctor see them, they usually ask about their troubles and soon give them a prescription(处方) for some medicine.

Usually, when people feel ill, they go to see their doctors. But when they only have a cold, they don’t go to see their doctors. They usually go to the medicine shop to buy some medicine. Only when they are terribly ill, the doctor will go to their houses. In an emergency(紧急), people can call 999for an ambulance. The ambulance can take them to the hospital very soon. When they are in hospital, their friends or families can go to see them at a certain time, but they can’t stay long.

Usually people have to pay for the doctors’ prescriptions. And the price is the same for any kind of medicine. But when children, students, old people or people without jobs go to see their doctors, they don’t have to pay for their prescription.

(  )51. When people are ill in England, they’ll ___________.

A. go to see the doctor nearby         B. go to the medicine shop

C. ask the doctor to their houses.       D. call 999 for an ambulance

(  )52. If people have a cold, they usually __________ .

A. go to see a doctor                B. buy some medicine themselves

C. ask to be in hospital              D. go to the hospital at a certain time

(  )53. What does the underlined words “ambulance” in the second paragraph mean?

A. 救援        B. 报警       C. 救护车       D. 担架

(  )54. When people without jobs go to the doctors, they _________ .

A. get free medical care at home

B. get free prescriptions.

C. get free medicine in the hospital.

D. get free medicine in the medicine shop.

(  )55. Which of the following is not true?

A. If people lost their jobs, they’ll get free prescriptions

B. In an emergency, people can call 999 for help.

C. people can see friends in the hospital at a certain time

D. All the medicine has the same price in England.

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