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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9345




A) them B) they C) themselves D) theirs

33.  --- Which do you like better, a story book or a magazine?

---              is OK. I prefer a comic strip because it is my favourite.

A) Both B) None C) Neither D) Either

34. Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature at the Stockholm Concert Hall in

Sweden             Monday.

A) in B) on C) at D) for

35. The doctor told me to eat more              because it is good for my health.

A) apple B) vegetables C) ice cream D) fish

36. The little baby looks very              especially when he is smiling.

A) lovely B) carefully C) heavily D) sadly

37. Lily won the 400-hundred-metre race. She ran              of all the runners.

A) the fastest  B) quickly C) faster  D) more quickly

38. Some people said that the world would be over on December 21, 2012,            in fact it was not true.

A) and  B) but C) so   D) for

39. You’ll never succeed              you don’t work hard.

A) if B) until C) unless D) when

40.            my father            my mother watched TV yesterday evening because they were busy with their work.

A) Both…and B) Either…or C) Neither…nor D) Not only…but also

41. ---              have you learned English, Kitty?

--- Since I started to study in Rose Garden School.

A) Where  B) When C) How soon D) How long

42.                interesting sound effect the film has got!

A) What B) How   C) What a  D) What an

43. Don’t worry about our Chinese teacher. He             soon.

A) is returning B) returns  C) will return  D) would return

44. Please tell Joan this good news as soon as she              back.

A) comes B) will come C) came D) has come

45. Twenty-eight teachers and students           in an American school in December, 2012.

A) kill B) killed C) are killed D) were killed

46. The weather report says it won’t rain this afternoon, so you      take an umbrella with you.

A) shouldn’t  B) mustn’t C) can’t D) needn’t

47. The most important thing for us Grade Nine students now is              hard as much as possible.

A) work B) to work C) working D) worked

48. Yesterday I kept              for Amy at the bus stop for a long time.

A) wait  B) waited  C) waiting D) to wait

49. --- The soup tastes very delicious, Mrs. Harry.


A) You are right.        B) I agree with you.

C) No, don’t say so.         D) I am glad you like it.

50. --- You don’t have to make so much noise in class, do you?


A) I’m sorry.  B) My pleasure. C) Not at all.  D) Never mind.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组的序号填入空格。每空格限填一词/词组,每词/词组只能填一

次。)                                                    (共8分)

A. whether  B. next to      C. smiled at        D. professor

E. laughs      F. inside     G. everyone    H. fireman  I. nervous

Today was my first day in a university! I could not believe my eyes because it just seemed like one big dream to me.

I was very glad that I was attending a university, but since it was my first time at a university as a student, I was       51   and not sure what to expect. I couldn’t stop thinking about my classes and worrying       52   I had chosen the right ones. What if the professor doesn’t like me? What if my class is too hard? What if everyone        53   at me? The more I thought, the more I was worried.[来源:学科网ZXXK]

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