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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9399

—Xingyi, of course.

A. the largest         B. the smallest    C. the most     D. the least

14.Come on,  _______ you will be late for school.

A. and               B. but           C. or          D. so

15.—What about ________ a rest

—OK! Let’s go for a walk.

A. to have            B. had           C. have        D. having

16. —Your sweater looks very nice. What’s it made__________

—Wool, and it’s made__________ Guiyang.

A. from, on           B. of, in         C. of, on        D. from, in

17. _______boy riding a bike is ________university student.

A. A, an          B. The, an           C. A, the        D. The, a

18. ________ visitors come to Xingyi during National Days every year.

A. Thousands of   B. Two thousands     C. Thousand of   D. Thousand

19. Jim with her brother _______ TV when her father came back.

A. were watching   B. are watching        C. was watching    D. is watching

20. My parents are out. I have to _______my sister at home.

A. look at       B. look up            C. look after      D. look for

21.A basketball match between Class One and Class Two________tomorrow afternoon.

A. is held       B. was held           C. must be held    D. will be held

22. She _________her hometown for ten years. She really misses it!

A. has been away from                B. left

C. has left                          D. is away from

23.Do you know _________  Guiyang or not the day after tomorrow

A. whether are they leaving for         B. whether they are leaving for

C. if they are leaving for              D. if are they leaving for

24. Judy used to _________  to school,  but she is used to ________to school now.

A. riding a bike, taking a bus          B. riding a bike, take a bus

C. ride a bike, taking a bus            D. ride a bike, take a bus

25.—I’d like something to read. Would you pass me the ____________

A. book        B. ruler         C. pen     D. desk


26— Excuse me, is there a bank near here

—Sorry, I am new here.I have no idea.

A. I don’t know    B. I won’t go there    C. I don’t tell you  D. I don’t think so

27. Sally works very hard. Finally, she won the first place.

A. At the end of    B. At last            C. Luckily        D. To the end

28. She got up early this morning so that he could catch the first bus.

A. in order to      B. in order that      C. all that         D. whether

29. Lucy isn’t old enough to carry the box.

A. is so young that she can             B. isn’t young enough to

C. is too young to                    D. is so young to

30.—Excuse me, which is the way to the post office

—Sorry, I’ m a stranger here.

A. I like here      B. I’m a teacher     C. I don’t like here   D. I’m new here

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