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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9581



一.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息 (5分)

1  A. working    B. watering   C.watching

2  A. 555-26459  B.555-24659   C. 555-24569

3 A. Australia    B. America   C. Singapore

4 A. dogs   B. dolphins   C. penguins

5 A. Julia’s new house is next to the supermarket.

B. Julia’s new house is across from the post office.

C. The post office is across from the supermarket.

二 听句子,选出该句的最佳答案(5分)

6 A. It’s big.   B. It’s relaxing.   C. It’s cool.

7 A. Yes, I’m happy.   B. By bus.   C. Not bad.

8 A. We are playing football.   B. They are eating.  C. They are doing well.

9 A. All of us.    B. Yes, he can.   C. Only a little.

10 A. That’s good.  B. That’s terrible.  C.I don’t know.

三 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项(5分)

11 What does Bill’s pen pal do?

A. A reporter in Nanjing   B. A reporter in Nanning   C. We don’t know.

12 What are the girls doing?

A. They are singing.   B. They are playing the guitar.   C. They are dancing.

13 What’s the weather like in Beijing now?

A. Sunny   B. Rainy   C. Cloudy

14 Where does the girl want to go?

A. To a park.  B. To a zoo.   C. To a store.

15 How can the girl get to the supermarket?

A. Go down Bridge Street and turn right.

B. Go down Bridge Street and turn left.

C. Go down Bridge Street and it’s on the left.

四 听短文填空(10分)

How old is Lin lin?16 She is ___________years old.

Where is Cathy from? 17 She’s from _______________.

How’s the weather in Shanghai now? 18 It’s cold and windy. Sometimes it ____.

Why does Lin lin like pandas?19 Because she thinks they are_________.

What animals does Cathy like best?20____________are her favorite animals.



21. There is ______milk in the bottle.

A. a little   B. a few   C. many   D. a bit

22. She stopped ________when the teacher came in.

A. to sing   B. singing   C. sings  D. sing

23. There isn’t_______ on the table.

A. somethingB .everythingC. anything

24. Mary is talking ______her classmates.

A. in   B. for   C. to    D. at

25. ______woman in red is Lucy’s mother.

A. The   B.A    C. An    D. /

26. Who is the woman _____blonde hair?

Oh, she is my mother.

A. has   B. with   C. wear   D. of

27. I’d like ________ an action movie.

A.  seeB. to seeC. seeingD. watch

28. This pair of shoes_______ white.

A. be   B. is   C. are   D. has

29. Lucy loves to ________jokes.

A. say   B. talk   C. tell    D. speak

30. - I don’t like mutton         beef.

- I don’t like mutton,         I like beef a lot.

A. and, but  B. and, and C. or, but D. or, and


31. I’d like some          and         .

A. porridge, vegetable        B. broccoli, tomatoes

C. potatos, bananas          D. French fries, orange juices

32. ---         of shoes do you wear?

--- Size 7.

A. What  B. What size C. What kindD. What color

33. Nobody __________why he is late.

A. is  knowing   B. knows    C. know    D. knowing

34. My sister is not tall or short. She is ____________.

A. of medium height   B. of medium build

C. tall              D. short

35. ---What is your father like?

---He ___________________.

A. likes history      B. is friendly

C. likes eating meat   D. is 40 years old.

36. Would you like some tea?

A. Yes, please.    B. No, please.

C. No, I don’t.      D. Yes, I would.

37.-When_______ your father_______ to Beijing?

-Last week.

A. does; goB. did; goC. did; went

38. They often watch TV______ _Sunday morning.

A. inB. onC .at

39. The students are studying_______ the math test now.

A .atB. forC. with

40.She often _______to school early,but this morning she _______to school late.

A .go; wentB. goes; goesC. goes; went

41. ----Did you do some shopping last week?


A .Yes,I didB. Yes,I doC. No,I don’t

42. Young people enjoy_______ and_______.

A. sing; danceB. to sing; to danceC.singing;dancing

43. Do you like going_______ a walk______ _me after supper?

A. for; withB. to; withC .to; for

44. It’s time_______ class.

A. for haveB .haveC. to have

45. ----I wrote some letters last night.__________________?

----I did my homework.

A. Where were you

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标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
