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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9479



1、A. die           B. dead          C. death

2、A.1,097          B.1,709         C. 1,079

3、A. get along       B. come along    C. walk along

4、A. Everyone doesn’t like making mistakes.

B. Anybody makes mistakes.

C. No one may make mistakes.

5、A. I like doing sports very much.

B. I don’t like P.E. at all.

C. I like P.E. best.


6、A. I’m going to Hainan.     B. Not bad.       C. Of course.

7、A. That’s too bad.

B. Oh, dear! What’s wrong?

C. There must be something wrong with him.

8、A. Not at all.            B. That’s right.        C. It doesn’t matter.

9、A. Sorry, I don’t know.    B. Sure, I am sure.     C. My arm hurts.

10、A. Thank you very much.   B. It doesn’t matter.   C. Not at all.


11、A. Outgoing   B. Friendly         C. Quiet

12、A. Sports     B. Cars            C. Fashion

13、A. Her head   B. Her leg         C. Her arm

14、A. a book     B. some flowers    C. a CD

15、A. No bikes   B. No smoking     C. No photos.


16、How many months does the baseball season usually last?

A. Four       B. Six       C. five

17、When do two top teams play against each other?

A. in April     B. in august   C. in September

18、When does Mariko go to school?

A. at 7:30 am    B. at 7:00 am    C. at 6:30 am

19、Where does Mariko want to visit?

A. England and China    B. China and Canada   C. England and Canada

20、What is the girl good at?

A. Biology     B. English     C. Chinese

21、Which subject did the boy use to like best?

A. English       B. Biology     C. Math

22、What does the man want to find?

A. A post office    B. A bank     C. A library

23、Which bus is the most convenient one for the man to get there?

A. The No. 8 bus     B. The No. 11 bus    C. The No. 12 bus

24、How long does it take to drive to the place?

A. About two hours    B. About one hour    C. About half an hour

25、Where can the man take the bus?

A. In Hangzhou Street.     B. On Guangming Road  C. On Beijing Road.



(   )26、He is afraid to speak in _______ public.

A. the      B a      C. an     D. /

(   )27. Susan will not arrive at the airport on time ________ she hurries up.

A. once    B. if     C. when    D. unless

(   )28、The story reminded me ______ an experience I once had.

A. of       B. to      C. at      D. on

(   )29、I have trouble solving the problem. Can you      a new solution?

A. catch up with   B. come out   C. come up with   D. come over to

(   )30、 I don’t know _________.

A. what to do it   B. how to do   C. what to do    D. to do what

(   )31、 He is too tired ________ any longer.

A. not to walk   B. to walk   C. walking    D. not walking

(   )32. Don’t always make your little sister ______. You should be kind to her.

A. laugh    B. to laugh    C. cry    D. to cry

(   )33、This book ______ be Tom’s father’s, because his name is on the book.

A. can       B. might        C. can’t       D. must

(   )34、Who does this T-shirt belong ______?

A. in         B. on         C. to          D. of

(   )35、I prefer watching TV ______ music every day.

A. listening to     B. to listen    C. listen to     D. to listening to

(   )36. The sweater is ______ small for the child.

A. too many    B. too much    C. many too    D. much too

(   )37、______you do, you can’t change the situation.

A. whoever       B. wherever      C. whatever   D. what

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