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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9519

Becky and I spread the tablecloth on the picnic table while Brad and Chad threw a football back and forth. In no time, the ducks joined us. Becky came with delight as the ducks begged for pieces of bread. When I got everything ready, Roy arrived.

That was the happiest meal we shared together. The gentle wind touched our face, as the sunshine warmed my heart. We felt a closeness that had been hidden by work for so many months. Having finished the food, Roy and the boys skipped rocks on the lake. Becky continued to feed the ducks, and I sat quietly on the picnic table, enjoying such a wonderful family.

Soon Roy had to go back to work. When we got into the car, Becky climbed to the front seat with me. “Here, Mum!” she said. She was holding a yellow wildflower. Happy tears came to my eyes. That night as I tucked(盖好被子) our children under their covers, I kissed their cheeks(脸颊) and realized what a wonderful life I had.

“Thank you for the picnic,” Becky whispered.

“My pleasure.” I whispered back.

Even though the kids have now grown up and moved away from home, I can still remember how I felt that day while sitting on the picnic table.

31. Why did the writer often refuse her children’s begging for a picnic?

A. Because she had a lot of housework to do every day.

B. Because her husband worked far away from home.

C. Because it’s difficult for them to find a picnic place.

D. Because she and her husband both had their own busy work.

32. When Becky asked for a picnic, what did she think first?

A. She thought her Mum would agree.

B. She thought her Mum would refuse as usual.

C. She thought her Mum would be angry.

D. She thought she would be asked to do homework.

33. Who was the last to come for the picnic?

A. Becky.         B. Roy.       C. Chad.       D. Brad.

34. What made Mum’s tears come to her eyes?

A. Having a good rest on the picnic table.

B. Preparing for the picnic.

C. Receiving her daughter’s wildflower.

D. Kissing her children’s cheeks.

35. According to the passage, what did the writer want to tell us?

A. People should find more time for their family.

B. People should have a family picnic every week.

C. Women should remember the past from time to time.

D. Women shouldn’t work and they must stay at home.



Bulgaria is famous for its roses, and produces about 85 percent of all the rose oil in the world. Rose oil is called liquid(液体) gold and used in making soaps, chocolates, and even some kinds of liqueur(甜酒).

The first records about growing roses on Bulgarian land go back many centuries. The area called the Rose Valley is between the cities of Kazanlak and Karlovo in central Bulgaria.

The roses seem to love the soil and climate there. The rose is the most important plant grown in Bulgaria which could be called the country of the roses. The rose plantations in the Rose Valley are the largest in the world.

Much of the population in the Rose Valley works in some ways in the rose industry. In Bulgaria, they produce rose oil, rose water and other products. The main flower grown is the Kazanlak rose, famous around the world.

The oil is prepared by a process of distillation(蒸馏). Each flower is picked by hand, and you need 3,000 kilos to make one kilo of rose oil. That means about 30 flowers for just one tiny(很小的) drop of oil. So you can understand why it’s so expensive.

Each year on the first weekend in June, there’s a Festival of Roses in Kazanlak with many programs. The Queen of Roses is chosen as part of the summer festival. After her coronation(加冕典礼), she honors the most skillful pickers of roses in the harvest.

The festival is an old tradition and goes back more than a century. Today it also includes an International Folklore Festival and attracts many tourists. The festival ends through the Kazanlak streets at noon and a concert in the evening.

36. Why is rose oil called liquid gold?

A. Because it is of great value.

B. Because it is picked by hand.

C. Because it is the most important plant in Bulgaria.

D. Because it is prepared by a process of distillation.

37. If you want to get one and a half kilos of rose oil, how many kilos of rose flowers are needed according to the passage?

A. 3, 000 kilos.          B. 4, 500 kilos.

C. 1, 500 kilos.          D. 30 kilos.

38. What do most local people do in the Rose Valley?

A. They work in the fields every day.

B. They sell rose oil around the world.

C. They do what is connected with roses.

D. They build their own rose businesses.

39. Which of the followings is Not true about the Festival of Roses in Kazanlak?

A. It’s celebrated once a year, on the first weekend in June.

B. It’s a traditional festival with many programs.

C. The Queen of Roses honors the most skillful pickers of roses in the harvest.

D. People celebrate the International Folklore Festival instead of the Festival of Roses today.

40. What would be the best title of this passage? _________________.

A. The Country Bulgaria            B. The Roses in Bulgaria

C. Rose Festivals of the World       D. The Living Habits of Roses


What will man be like in the future—in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course. But we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. Because man is slowly changing all the time.

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
