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[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9383

A before  B when  C until  D while

(   ) 45 It’s _____ that I’d like to buy it.

A so nice doll  B such nice doll C such nice a doll  D so nice a doll

(   ) 46 Mr Wang has given me so much useful _____ about computers

A experience  B new  C news  D information

(   ) 47 By the end of last term, we _____ 1000 English words.

A learned  B will learn  C has learned  D had learned

(   ) 48 The dictionary is too big. It can’t _____ my school bag.

A put in  B fit into  C be fit into  D go into

(   ) 49 China is bigger than _____ in Africa.

A any other countries  B any countries

C any other country D any country

(   ) 50 You’d like to go with me, _____?

A didn’t you  B wouldn’t you  C won’t you  D hadn’t you

(   ) 51 In the accident yesterday three people were hurt.

A injured  B dead  C hit  D damaged

(   ) 52 If you want to improve, you must work harder.

A change  B do better  C reduce  D get more

(   ) 53 Jenny spent 20 yuan in all on books.

A all in  B enough  C altogether  D indeed

(   ) 54 The twins have different personalities. Mike is very active while Peter is always quiet.

A feeling  B abilities  C faces  D characters


(   ) 55 --- Would you mind repairing the MP3 player for me?


A Never mind.  B Don’t worry.

C Not at all.   D I’m glad you like it.

(   ) 56 --- Long time no see. What’s new?

--- _____.

A How do you do!  B How are you?

C Nice to see you!  D Hi, I’ve bought a new car.

Ⅵ Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):

57 It’s about twenty _____ walk to get there. (minute)

58 There is still some _____ left in the bottle. (medical)

59 It’s much _____ to stay here than to go away. (save)

60 After _____ to me, she picked it up. (apologize)

61 I spent all my _____ in that village. (child)

62  Actually, there can be no _____ apart from practice. (know)

63 The older you become, the _____ you will be. (wisdom)

64 The _____ man was lying in bed and talking with his son. (die)

Ⅶ Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共12分)

65 My sister read some children’s stories. (对划线部分提问)

What _____ of story _____ your sister read?

66 Sam speaks French most fluently in our class. (保持句意基本不变)

_____ _____ in our class can speak French as fluently as Sam does.

67 He put on more clothes in order not to catch cold. (保持句意基本不变)

He put on more clothes so _____ he _____ catch cold.

68 We are busy now. We’d better have fast food at lunchtime. (保持句意基本不变)

_____ we are busy now, we’d better have a ______ lunch.

69 Dinosaurs probably all disappeared on the earth because of diseases. 保持句意基本不变 Dinosaurs probably all ______ ______ diseases.

70 Tom hasn’t received a letter form his parents for a long time. (保持句意基本不变)

Tom’s parents haven’t _____ _____ him for a long time.

Part3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)

Ⅷ Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共56分)

A True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示,填入空格内):(共7分)

When I was sixteen, I left school and went to work in a butcher’s shop. The manager was a young man, only two years older than I, but he was not honest. When people asked for good meat, he would sell them something bad. Sometimes, he did not give enough change, and people did not notice that.

One day, just before Christmas, we decided to stop working earlier because we had sold out all our meat, except one small turkey. When I was going to close the door, a woman rushed in and said that she wanted a big turkey. The manager tried to sell her the small one. “It’s too small,” she said. The manager said he would get another one and went to the back of the shop with the turkey. I went after him to see what he was going to do. He pulled the small turkey to make it look bigger, and then came back and said, “Here is a bigger one.”

“Yes,” the woman said, “but not much bigger. I’ll take both of them.”

(   ) 71 The writer went to work in a shop when he no longer went to school.

(   ) 72 The manager was young and honest.

(   ) 73 One day, the manager decided to stop working earlier because there was nothing to sell in the shop.

(   ) 74 The manager tried to sell the small turkey to the woman.

(   ) 75 At last the woman bought two turkeys.

(   ) 76 The manager gave the woman a bigger turkey instead of the small one.

(   ) 77 The woman wanted to buy two turkeys because they were cheaper.

B Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入括号内):(共7分)

When tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in the early eighteenth century, people had different ideas about their use. Some said that tea and coffee were harmful to people and they could cause people to die.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
