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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9396



26. Jim is not good at English now. So he usually ________ English hard very long hours every day.

A.  studied      B.  studies       C.  is studying      D.  has studied

27. Sarah ________ to school at about 8:00 clock this morning.

A.  comes      B.  came       C.  is coming      D.  has come

28 – The classroom is very clean.

--- Right. It’s clear that someone ________ it.

A.  cleans      B.  cleaned       C.  has cleaned      D.  had cleaned

29. ---Would you mind if I open the window?

---- _________________.

A. Yes ,open it please                 B. No, of course not

C. of course, you can                 D. No, you can’t open it

30. --- Hello. I’d like to speak to Bill.

--- Yes. ____________.

A. My name is Bill                   B. I’m Bill

C. This is Bill                       D. Bill’s me

31.--- Sam, this is my mother.

--- ____________.

A. Glad to meet you                   B. It’s my pleasure

C. I’m very pleased                   D. That’s very kind of you

32. --- I don’t think I can pass the exam.

--- _________ why?

A.  And         B.  But           C.  Or          D.  So

33. Look at the wet ground and the drops of water on the grass. I guess it _______ have rained last night.

A.  should       B.  can           C.  must         D.  will

34. I wanted a blue bike. And my father bought ________ for me on my twelfth birthday .

A.  that         B.  this           C.  one         D.  it

35. ---If Mr Cox keeps on working like that, he’ll __________sooner or later.

---I agree with you. He shouldn’t work so hard, but be careful of his health.

A.  give in       B.  give out          C.  give off         D.  give back

36.---Could you tell me __________? I must find him.

---Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now.

A. where Tom was                    B. where has Tom gone

C. where can I find Tom               D. where Tom is

37.---Oh, there isn’t enough ________ for us in the lift.

---No hurry. Let’s wait for the next.

A.  ground       B.  floor           C.  place         D.  room

38.---Mum, this piece of pork smells ________.

--- What a pity! Throw it into the dustbin then.

A.  badly       B.  well           C.  terrible         D.  nice

39.---I don’t know how to ski, can you help me?

---Certainly, nothing difficult, here, let me ______ you a little, then get your balance.

A.  pull       B.  hold           C.  push        D.  show

40.---I tried to _____ you on the phone last week. But why nobody answered?

--- Oh, I was out traveling with my family the whole week.

A.  meet       B.  touch           C.  reach        D.  call



The customs in different countries are rather different. If I have   41    with a Chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plate as soon as I have   42   it. That often makes me uncomfortable. I   43   eat the food even if I don’t want to. Because it is considered   44   manners in the West to   45   one’s food on the plate. I have also noticed that   46   a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he often  47   the offer of food or drink  48   he’s in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manner in China but it is not in the West at all. In the US, it is  49  to keep asking some one again and again or insist on his accepting something.   50   have a direct way of speaking if they will   51  for it. If not they will say: “No, thanks.” When an American is  52  with beer by the host, for example, he might say, “No, thanks. I’ll take some orange juice if you   53   it.” That’s what an American will do.   54    when you go the US, you’d better   55   the famous saying: “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
