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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9180

31. —Jane, when did you come here?

—In 2010. I ___________ here for two years.

A. Have been to     B. Have gone to      C.have come  D. have been

32 .—I really hate to go to such a noisy place.


A. So am I      B. So do I   C. So have I       D. So can I

33.—__________ go out for a picnic next Saturday.

—Good idea.

A. Why not      B. How about     C.Would you like to   D. Let’s

34. —__________ do you go to the library?

—Twice a week.

A .How soon  B. How much   C.How often D. How far

35.—I wonder ____________ at 8:00 last night?

—I was watching NBA.

A. What were you doing      B. What did you do

C .what you were doing       D. What are you doing


Showing your feeling is important. It is a mistake not to talk to anyone ___36_ you’re feeling sad, worried or nervous. If you keep bad feelings inside, it can even make you  37 _.

But if you  38  with someone, like your mom or dad, you’ll usually begin to feel 39_  than before.Now you’re not all alone with your problems or worries.  40 , it doesn’t mean your problems and worries will  41  magically(神奇地). But, at least, someone else understands what’s  42  with you and can help  43  find ways to solve your problems.

Your mom and dad want to know if you have  44 . They love you and they want to know what’s happening in your life. But if you don’t want to talk with them, what should you do? Find a trustworthy(可信任的) teacher at school or a relative. Maybe that person can help you deal with your problems. Then you’ll feel as  45  as before.

36. A.what B .when C. how

37. A. sick B. active C. strong

38. A. tell B. speak C. talk

39. A. worse B. better  C.well

40. A. Whatever B . However C. Whenever

41. A. disappear B. appear C. happen

42. A. matter B.more C. wrong

43. A. them B. you C. us

44. A. problems B.problem C. question

45. A. happily B.bad C. happy


(1)从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语,并在答题卡的相 应位置将其涂黑。(5分)


46. Happy weekends!                            A. Hello! Who’s this, please?

47. Help yourself to some fish.                     B. Thank you very much.

48. What’s the date today?                        C. How do you do?

49 .Hello, may I speak to Mike?                 D. The same to you.

50. How do you do?                             E. June 23rd, 最新一年.


A: Hi, Darren! It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

B: Yes,it is. 51____

A: I plan to visit my grandparents during the summer holidays in the countryside.

B:Really? 52_________x*kb*1.c*om

A: Because of too much noise in the city. 53_________. What’s more, there are many green plants in the countryside. I like plants.

B: I also like plants, but I like animals better.

A:Why do you think so?

B: 54_________ They are our friends.

A: I think I should also make an animal friend.

B: 55_____________

A: Thank you.


I、阅读理解(20分)  (阅读I和II两篇短文,从56-65每小题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。


Wonderful Tour (4-Day) of Tongren

Overseas Tourist Corporation Guizhou China


Places to visit:                                            Price: Only ¥2,668

★A round-trip(往返旅行)plane ticket from Guiyang to Tongren

★Bus service around Tongren

★Three nights’stay in good hotels

★The best tour guide service

★Ming Paradise(大明边城)—the national AAAA level scenic spots(景点)

★Hot Spring in Shiqian(石阡)—enjoy spas/spring bath(泡温泉/温泉浴)

★Mount Fanjing—the most famous mountain in Guizhou

Office hours:

Monday-Friday  8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.  Saturday&Sunday   9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Tel: 0851-8630158   Address: No.28 Yanan Road Guiyang


56. From the information above, we know this is            .

A. a map  B. an air ticket

C. a piece of news        D. an ad.(advertisement)

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