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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9947

28. --There             so many foreigners in the streets these days.

-- They might be runners in the Yellow River Estuary (入海口,河口) International Marathon.

A. is    B. are    C. have    D. will be

29. --             is he?

--He is PSY. He sang the song Gangnam Style (《江南Style》).

A. Who   B. How    C. What    D. Where

30.-- What do you think of ‘Eat-up’ Campaign (光盘行动)?

--I think it’s really necessary. It is reported that the food that Chinese people

every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

A. eat   B. have    C. waste    D. make

31. – I wonder                   .

-- Shandong Province.

A. when will Peng Liyuan come    B. where Peng Liyuan is from

C. where Peng Liyuan came from   D. how Peng Liyuan will come

32. David Beckham decided to ________ playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough.

A. put off            B. deal with   C. break off           D. give up

33. Many children ask their parents to give money to charity         buy them snacks.

A. later on     B. even though   C. rather than      D. in order to

34. -- Is air the lightest thing in the world?

-- Not            . Scientists from Zhejiang University have just developed the world’s lightest material.

A. now   B. yet    C. then    D. again

35. The Dongying-Hainan airline         for about 5 months. I have taken the flights three times.

A. is open  B. has opened  C. has been open  D. has been opened




When I was young,I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said: “Tony fell from the open window!” She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said: “Don’t worry, I’m just joking.” My mother shouted at me, “If you do it again, I’ll hit you.”

Another day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the beginning I swam fast and I called out “Help!”. All my friends came to help me. However, they found that I was joking. But half an hour later I wasn’t joking. I was so fast, soon I got tired and couldn’t swim on in water. I tried my best to call my friends for help, but this time nobody came to help me.

In the end they found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the hospital. This is the best lesson in my life. From then on I haven’t joked on anyone.

36. When he was young, the writer liked to _______.

A. play with his brother       B. help his mother cook

C. play jokes on people    D. go swimming with his friends

37. What happened when the writer was playing with  his brother?    ______

A. He got tired.      B. He played a joke on his mother.

C. Tony fell from the open window.   D. His mother hit him.

38. In the beginning, all his friends came to help him b ecause he ______.

A. swam fast       B. called for help

C. would sink in water    D. couldn’t swim on in the water

39. When the writer called his friends for help for the second time, they ______.

A. took him to the hospital at once   B. came and saved him immediately

C. thought at first he was joking again D. did nothing because the writer had lied to them

40. The story tells us that ________.

A. swimming is dangerous

B. the writer is a naughty boy

C. one can play jokes only on people he knows

D. if someone always tells lies, others won’t trust (信任) him


Dear Karen,

As you probably know, it’s my sister Suzie’s 16th birthday in a week. We’re planning a surprise party for her. Julie’s going to pick her up from school as usual on Friday but she’s not taking her home. She’s bringing her to the Palace Hotel, the big modern one near the station. We’re having a meal there and we’ve also hired (租用) the ballroom (舞厅) for a party in the evening. I hope you can come!

All her friends from school are coming and quite a few of the people from our village, too. Of course, Mum and Dad are coming up from England and I’ve managed to persuade (说服) our other sister, Marie, to come over from Australia. She’s bringing her kids with her, too.

After the party we’re going to have another one on Saturday! Well, not really a party. We’re inviting the family and close friends (that includes you) for a meal at the house. If the weather is nice, we’d like to have a barbecue in the garden. Julie’s going to make a special cake for Suzie.

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