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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9332

A. A; an         B. An; /          C. The; a         D. /; a

32. -–How do you western people celebrate _____?

---They usually make special pumpkin lanterns.

A. Christmas    B. Thanksgiving Day     C. Halloween      D. New year’s Day

33. Don’t lose _____ in computer games, boys.

A. yourself      B. yourselves            C. himself        D. themselves

34. The question is simple. _____ can answer it.

A. Someone     B. Anybody        C. Nobody       D. No one

35. I’ll leave _____ Beijing my dad’s car.

A. on; in       B. for; on                C. for; in        D. in; in

36. After having a cup of tea, he asked for _____.

A. two more     B. more two             C. more than two     D. two cups

37. You will be late ______ you hurry up.

A. after         B. when                C. unless          D. until

38. ---What’s up?

---The music in the restaurant sounds so_____ that I want to leave at once.

A. soft          B. wonderful            C. friendly        D. noisy

39. ---Do you have any hobbies?

---Yes. I have many hobbies. I _____ like collecting shells.

A. specially      B. especially            C. usually         D. fortunately

40. The young man broke his arm in the accident and had to _____ his job.

A. give up       B. put up               C. cut up          D. pick up

41. No free plastic bag in the supermarket helps to _____ white pollution.

A. reduce       B. recycle               C. provide         D. produce

42. The stones are so heavy. How _____ they _____ to the top of the building without modern machines?

A. do; lift       B. did; lift             C. were; lifted     D. were; lift

43. He is so poor that he has no house _____.

A. to live       B. living           C. living in        D. to live in

44. _____ of the water _____ polluted. We must try to protect our environment.

A. Two third; are  B. Two third; is      C. Two thirds; are    D. Two thirds; is

45. The first thing _____ I should do is to work out a study plan for the next term.

A. which          B. that              C. what             D. if



In many people’s eyes, middle school students are happy and carefree(无忧无虑). But is it the truth? And what   46  students happy or unhappy?

To find out the answers, Li Jiahui, a student in Pinggu No. 3 Middle School, Beijing, spent six months  47  students’ sense(感受) of happiness last year. The  48  girl made a survey with questions such as “ Are you feeling happy?” and “What makes you unhappy?”

After studying the answers from 284 students, Li learned that___49  40 percent(百分之)of the students feel unhappy, and the   50  from studies is the main reason for their unhappiness.

“More than 50 percent said they were under pressure and 70 percent  51  get enough sleep,” Li said. “It shows that middle school students are not as happy  52  people think. They worry a lot, and they can get angry easily.”

Li also said that over 90 percent say their happiness has  53  to do with how much money they have. Instead, they care about their relationships(关系)with friends, teachers and parents. “Students always feel better when they get __54  well with each other,” Li said.

After her survey, Li listed __55   tips that may make students happier, such as: Treat(对待) yourself better, be kind and polite to your friends and relatives, and try new things.

46. A. helps        B. wants      C. makes       D. keeps

47. A. to study     B. studying      C. study       D. studied

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