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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9134



(  )21.My friend,Li Gang is ______university student who comes from Shanghai .

A.   an             B.a           C. the

(  )22.How far  is it from your home to your school?

It is about a ______ride every day.

A.ten—minute       B.ten minutes   C. ten—minutes’

(   )23.The students who are in our school like doing sports ,some like playing basketball,some are fond of running,_____enjoy swimming in the swimming pool.

A.others            B.the others     C.another

(   )24.Lucy and Lily are twins,Lily is _____of the two girls.

A.taller             B.the taller      C.the tallest

(   )25.There are _____students in our school,two ___of them are boys.

A.thousands of,thousands

B.thousand of ,thousands

C.thousands of ,thousand

(   )26.Li Lei  is a naughty boy in our class,he often makes mistakes to make our teacher look_____at him.

A.angry             Bangrily        C.anger

(   )27.Great changes ______in our hometown recently ,everyone can live more comfortable than before.

A.have taken place

B.have been taken place

C.had taken place.

(   )28.Excuse me !Where is Jim? He _____to Shanghai for business.He will be back next week.

A.has been         B.has gone      C.went

(   )29.Could you well me ______?

A. what’s the matter with Tom

B.what the matter with Tom is

C.what the matter with is Tom

(   )30.This is the park ____scenery attracted me most when I saw it for the first time.

A.whom          Bwho      C.whose

(   )31.It is something that everyone of us knows ____to do.

A.what           B.which         C.how

(  )32.Never waste time wondering if you ____good marks,if you  try your best to work hard ,you _____it

A.will have ,will make

B.have,will make

C.will have ,make

(   )33.In order to make our school life happier and much more meaningful ,we are supposed to ______.

① listen to teachers carefully in class

② laugh at others when they do something wrong

③ take part in more activities

④ listen to MP3 as much as we like

⑤ help those who are in trouble.

A.①②③         B.①④⑤        C .①③⑤

(   )34.We did a survey of 200 students about how to spend their holiday .The picture on the students who like traveling is ____less than who like exercising.




( ) 35.Which  stress  of  the  following  words is different ?

A.realize         B.maybe           C.computer


Hhappiness is for everyone .In fact,happiness is always around you 36___you put your heart into it .When you are in trouble at school ,your friends 37___you ;when you study 38___at your lessons ,your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health ;when you get 39___,your friends will congratulate you ;when you do 40___,people around you will help you to correct it.And when you do something good to 41___,you will feel happy ,too.All these are your happiness .If you notice a bit of them.you can find that happiness is always around you.

Happiness is not the same as money,it is a feeling of your heart .When you are poor ,you can 42___ be very happy ,because you have something else that can’t be bought 43___ money .When you meet with difficulties ,you can say loudly you are very happy ,because you have more chances to challenge 44___.So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck.If you 45___ every chance you get ,you can be a happy and lucky person.

(  )36.A.if            B.whether           C.though

(  )37.A.will help     B.help              C.helping

(  )38.A.hardly        B.careless          C.hard

(  )39.A.succee        B.success           C.successfu

(  )40.A.nothing wrong B.something wrong    C.wrong something

(  )41.A.others       B.the others            C.another

(  )42.A. too         B. also                 C.either

(  )43.A.use          B.with                  C.on

(  )44.A. you         B.yourself              C.yours

(  )45.A. make        B.take                  C.took


(  A  )

As space science develops ,man has learned more and more about space .Space is only amazing but also dangerous .While working in space ,spacemen are facing danger as well as success.

Science have found out that radiation (辐射)is the greatest danger to spacemen in space .When spacemen are working in space ,they are in danger of radiation from the sun and other stars,which is bad for their health .The damage done by radiation won’t be discovered until their children or even grandchildren are born.Some special medicine may work a little ,but also really helepful medicine has been found so far.

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
