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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9795



(    )21.Nowadays many p0eople have breakfast in       hurry or don’t have breakfast.In fact,that is an unhealthy______.

A. a, way     B./  method     C. a habit

(    )22.Miniature blog(微博)becomes more and more popular recently, more and more people like to exchange _________feelings in this way.

A. each others’     B. one another’s    C. others’

(    )23.---Have you seen the film ”If You Are the  One II”?

---No, I have ‘t. It is said that the film _____for some days.

A .has been on     B. had been on    C .had been running

(    )24.Everyone must go throngh the security check(安检)when______the World Expo Park.

A. enter           B .enters         C .entering

(    )25---They have failed six times, but they have decided to try_____.

---We should learn from their spirit of never giving up in our studies.

A .seven times      B .the seventh time  C .a seventh time

(    )26---He didn’t come to school this morning ,did he?

---_____+,though he wasn’t feeling very well.

A.No ,he didn’t     B .Yes ,he did       C. No, he did

(    )27---I don’t think the poor grade will______my parents.

---Neither do I. I really regret______too much time reading science novels in my spare time.

A.satisfy to spend   B.be satisfied,to spend   C.satisfv,spending

(    )28---Friends,we will graduate from Middle School.We shouldn’[t forget the days__we spent with classmates.

A.that      B.when     C.who

(    )29.Shanghai is one of____developde city in China.Shanghai takes first place as it has more luxury(奢侈)products than____city.It is ranked the first place worldwide.

A.the more,the others   B.the most,any other   C.much, one another

(    )30.A strong earthquake___in Japan at 1:46 pm,and the earthquake even__tsunamis.

A.hit,came     B.happened, came with     C.attacked,came along

(    )31.---Do you know____?---Of course I do! It will be held in London in 2012.

A.when and where will the 30th Olympic Games be held

B.when and where would the 30th Olympic Games be held

C.when and where the 30th Olympic Games will be held

(    )32.Festivals are different in America and in China .In the USA, people usually celebrate______.

A.Christmas Day with buying gifts for their family members

B.Spring Festival with eating dumplings and having lucky money.

C.Thanksgiving Day with buying flowers for their mothers

(    )33.In order to make our school lifehappier and much more meaningful,we are supposed to______.

①listen to the teachers carefully in class

②laugh at others when they do something wrong

③take part in as many activities as possible

④listen to MP3 as much as we like

⑤help those who are in trouble

A.①②③     B. ①④⑤    C. ①③⑤

(    )34.Liu Chang has $50.He wants to buy6 three kinds of presents for five friends.He

wants to have some dollars left. He doesn’t need’t need CDs.Please help him to choose one.

CD  Notebook   Football   Cartoon  Toy Rabbit   Toy car

$15 each  $11.5 each  $21 each  $5 each  $6 for two  $6 each

A.3 cartoons,a toy rabbit and a toy car      B. 3 footballs,2 cartoons and a toy car

C.2 notebooks, 2 cartoons and a football

(    )35.Which word of the following has a different stress from others?

A.mistake        B.prefer        C.surface


In our life,we don’t often say”thank you”to the one who’s lived many years with us.In

fact,we don’t have to wait for some special days to thank the ones closest to us-the ones who

are so 36  overlooked(忽略).If I have learned anything about giving thanks,it is this:give it

37 !While your feeling of appreciation(感激)is lively, 38 on it. Saying thanks is such an easy

Way to add to the world’s happiness.

Saying thanks lets someone else and your world 39 .If you’re feeling not loved or sad, try

reaching out to  40  . It may be just the medicine you need.

Of course, there are times when you can’t say ”thank you”  41  . In that case don’t be so

sad, just speak up the  42  time you have the chance.

Once a young British, Mark Brian. Was sent to help poor  43  in a small town.The

Indians,he had been told,did not have a word for”thank you”.But Brian soon found that these people had their own way of giving appreciation.Instead of  44  thanks, it is their custom to return every favor(好意)with a favor of their own,and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness.They do their thanks.

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
